[quote][i]Men go and come but the earth abides. - George R. Stewart (1949)[/i][/quote] You know that old insult, "Not if you were the last (man/woman) on Earth?" Well, you are the last. A virus had wiped "everyone" else out. You have a whole planet to yourself. Or rather you thought you did. [color=f26522][b]Characters[/b][/color] You would have been in your junior or senior year of high school when the Plague broke out. (My character was in her junior year and had turned 16 at the start of the school year. She will be 17.5 years old at the start of the RP.) I designed my character as she was before the Plague - adjusting her age to the current time. I didn’t edit out her old life. But expect things to have changed quite a bit for her. I will make some adjustments depending on what sort of character you design. My character … https://drive.google.com/open?id=1M68qutUE3RUo-a8TBJhYjeXNzvm1FagLe3WbqcUdv6k This will be either an FxM or FxF. However, my character is hetero, so if this is an FxF, it will be a friendship. I also have some male NPC I may introduce. [color=ec008c][b]NOTE:[/b][/color] The characters are not actually Immune. They have a strong resistance much as you and I can resist the common cold or a touch of flu. I have a very specific origin to both the Plague and the “Immunes.” [color=f26522][b]Plague Chronology[/b][/color] [color=39b54a][b]Mar 2024.[/b][/color] First Plague victims. The Plague is characterized as a flu-like disease with a slow, debilitating wasting symptom not unlike walking pneumonia. At first they appear in major population centers, then they spread rapidly to the rural areas. It is soon determined that the Plague is airborne, but may be spread by fluids, or contact. The disease is 100% fatal with patients becoming terminal in 1-3 months (dependent largely on original state of health). [color=39b54a][b]April 2024.[/b][/color] .01% of the planet has symptoms. First deaths. [color=39b54a][b]May 2024.[/b][/color] .05% of the planet infected. Death toll rises to 10,000. [color=39b54a][b]August 2024.[/b][/color] The virus is pandemic reaching every continent. 0.1% of the world's population is dead - 7 million. 1% are infected. Martial Law declared. [color=39b54a][b]Sept 2024.[/b][/color] 5% infected. 0.5% dead (35 million) Many consider this the start of the Hell Months. [color=39b54a][b]Oct thru Dec 2024.[/b][/color] The Hell months. During this time the world becomes nearly apocalyptic as 25% of the population is now dead. The virus continues to spread largely through panic to 90%. The power grid fails, internet crashes toward the end of Fall. Many Zoos release their specimens rather than simply allow them to starve. Many farmers do the same with livestock. Pets run wild. Dogs begin forming into packs. Cats turn feral. [color=39b54a][b]Jan 2025 thru Feb 2025 Winter.[/b][/color] The death toll is staggering. A few scattered remaining humans remain - less than 0.01% worldwide. (NYC with a population of 10 million before the Plague would now have less than 1000 survivors at this point. Most are infected and will die soon.) Small pockets of quarantine zones pop up in rumors - Sanctuaries. But most are discovered as lifeless husks of civilization. Those that still survive have strict quarantine policies. The remaining population of the Earth is now 70,000 or less - lower that ever in history since before biblical times. These figures continue to dwindle. [color=f26522][b]Equipment: [/b][/color] The world is our oyster. It isn’t as though anyone is gonna stop us from from taking whatever we want. The internet is gone. Electricity went down fast. Gasoline goes bad after 3 to 6 months (unless it was prepared before the infrastructure collapsed). By the end of a year most gas, (Sep 2025) will be near worthless. Even diesel is starting to have problems. Running water is a thing of the past. Regions powered by hydroelectric or solar may still be operational. You know those shooting stars you are starting to see? Those aren’t meteors. They are all the crap we put in space. [color=ec008c][b]Respond via PM please.[/b][/color]