Aria swallowed the lump in her throat that formed as they approached the raised dais and the figures appeared to them. Having a hunch that the set of visions they received here would be the most brutal ones yet, the Champion made the wise decision to situate herself opposite Yerbol, with her back leaning against one of the spires for support as the apprentices arranged themselves on either side of their mentors and Yerbol began explaining the concept of shared meditation to them. “It’s a very…personal exercise.” Aria supplemented as Yerbol prompted her into the conversation, “You have to have a lot of trust in the person you're meditating with… Or have nothing to hide.” with that encouragement to hand, Aria straightened her back and relaxed her shoulders, clasping her right hand over her heart and, when the other three looked at her in confusion, elaborated her reasoning behind the gesture: “If Revan and Meetra were both doing it, it must symbolise something. The Force might show us more if we mirror their postures exactly.” The nodding seemed to ripple through her companions as they, too, shifted their positions and- The visions flooded in almost instantly, one after the other, so clear and distinct that every detail, every word, came as if she had been standing right there when it had happened. [i]Revan turned to look at them, towards the end, speaking a single warning. Do not follow, unless you would see yourself swallowed by a darkness even I cannot comprehend. [/i] If you didn't want to be found, or followed, why leave a map? It seemed a fair observation to Aria, but it seemed to amuse him as he scoffed in retort. [i]Fools. The lot of you.[/i] The next face she saw was entirely unexpected and hit her like a sucker punch to the gut. A face she thought she would never, ever see again. [i]She barely looked any different, each curl in her hair was immaculate as always, and meeting her dark gaze was like looking into a mirror. Only the grating timbre of her voice betrayed the mass hemorrhaging of her lungs which had taken her life. Aria, you don't have to do this. Please. You can still turn back. [/i] Mother? What… H-How are you…? [i]Chasing Revan drove your father mad. Don't let that be your fate. [/i] I HAVE to. It’s what I do! [i]You have a choice, sweetheart. You ALWAYS have a choice. [/i] No, I don't. I never had a choice. Not since I first set foot on Korriban, and not now either. She knew that with the utmost certainty. And regardless, if Yerbol made his mind up to go, she wasn't going to let him go alone. Aria's face was entirely drained of colour as she snapped back to wakefulness. The others looked no better, Yerbol was shaking and breathing heavily, Kytra's fur was prickling and Ethan looked decidedly unsteady where he sat, hands braced against the marble floor. “Lehon.” Aria finished as Yerbol seemed to have trouble formulating the sentence. Even though they had all seen the visions, the map, it seemed more final to say it out loud. “But how do we GET there?” Ethan prompted, ever focused on the task at hand. He shakily rose to his feet once more and moved around the dais, searching for something that might give them the location of this mysterious planet. Kytra took a moment longer to recenter herself, clearly she too had been affected by whatever she had seen in the last part of the vision - it appeared they had each seen something different, something designed, perhaps, by Revan and Meetra, to shake their spirits and quail their determination to follow. The Selonian paused as she dusted herself off and frowned at her mentor. “Master Aria, are you…crying?” “NO!” Aria protested vehemently, palming the tears away quickly and hoping that Yerbol wouldn't see right through the tough girl act. [i]We have to focus. [/i]She reminded him firmly through the Force bond. [i]Whatever any of us saw then, we CAN'T let it stop us from going after them. [/i] _____________________________ The Qyaari now stood in the CIC on the Commodore, with the coordinates for Lehon (which had been tricky to find out, but with some help from the Elders and the combined effort of their own wits and the Zinuthra's library archives) plugged into the navcomputer courtesy of Ethan, and the autopilot engaged to allow them all to gather around the holoprojections of the Council of Elders. “Oh, you're all alive.” Cheriss sounded both surprised and immensely relieved, “Good, good. What did you find?” The Champions and their apprentices then proceeded to recount their experiences on Malachor, concluding with their current destination. “Lehon?” Ailel repeated, tenting her hands together as she mused aloud: “Now there's a name I'd only ever seen in holocrons and data archives.” “What’s the significance of this planet, Master Ailel?” Kytra leaned forward curiously as the Elder explained. “It was the place where the...Dark Ones, built the Star Forge. Revan went there once, it's where Bastila fell to the Dark Side, corrupted by the essence of the machine.” So that was what the vision had shown them. “They must have left something else there for you, another Star Map, perhaps?” “Or clues to these Dark Ones.” Aria suggested, her mouth pressed into a thin line. “The name alone doesn't give us much to go on… Dark what, Dark Side, dark skinned? It could be anything.” A bleep from the Commodore’s cockpit drew their attention briefly. Neta excused herself from the room to return to the yolk and bring the ship down through the stratosphere. Moments later, her voice announced over the comm line. “Well, we'll soon find out! Hold onto your hats, kiddos, looks like it might get bumpy again!” “Take care… Don't- Unnecessary risks-” “Revan… Always- Unpredictable, even as… Jedi-” Cheriss and Ailel’s last warnings were at first broken up, as if the line had suddenly become very strained, before it went completely dead. “That's comforting.” Aria snorted sarcastically, stumbling forward into the display table as the ship rocked once, then levelled out. The landing wasn't quite as tricky as Malachor, but it certainly couldn't have been called smooth. The Qyaari stood warily before the viewport windows, surveying the landscape before them. “Doesn't look so dangerous.” Kytra mumbled, her whiskers twitching as her bright eyes watched the roiling waves breaking on creamy white sand beaches. “Looks like a vacation planet.” “We're not here to take a holiday.” Aria reminded her apprentice firmly, raising a hand to point at the large dome that jutted into view over the furthest hillside. Three large spires jutted out from each side, giving it an appearance almost similar to the dais they had sat on only hours earlier. “That looks ominous. I'd bet next month’s pay that that's where we should head.” “The Dark Ones… You don't think they could be the True Sith, Masters?” Kytra suggested, craning her head upwards towards the Champions. “The buildings, they look the same, the shape, the circles, the spires.” “I don't know.” Aria admitted, glancing to her partner for his input. “Appearances can be deceiving, and if they'd built the Star Forge I'm almost SURE there would still be more True Sith around today. Technology like that would've made them unstoppable.”