[@The Bork Lazer] [hider=Jimbo's Review] Alright, to start off, I dig Jimbo quite a bit! There's a few nags here and there that I'd like to address, however. I tend get cold feet with characters who are described as being quiet and emotionally detached. Characters like these tend to, at least in my experience, not provide much input toward the party's planning, or try to bond with other characters without first being approached themselves. That character archetype finds themselves saying edgy comments more often than not, and it leads toward a two-dimensional character in the long run. I can understand if he had no remorse for ADVENT and ADVENT sympathizers. Then he'd be more ruthless than detached. As for the final bit in his personality, where he'd be willing to kill any and all ADVENT sympathizers, while ruthless, is almost a little too unhinged. After working with Falcon squad for the past ten years, and being a low profile sniper, I'm sure he'd understand the value of restraint and come to understand that most people are victims of propaganda and silent manipulation. Perhaps he could be rougher and cruder toward sympathizers, but not borderline murderous toward them? Overall though, Jimbo is worth being [color=lime]APPROVED[/color]. Feel free to keep your CS unchanged. Just keep in mind that those traits could serve to be a detriment to the character in the future, and could make writing for him difficult at times. On a far smaller note, most trained snipers in militaries around the world sometimes wait several days to a week for their target to show up. You should adjust that on Jimbo's profile where it is said he could go up to a day in wait, as it is rather short for a professional sniper. [/hider] [@CaptainBritton] [hider=Lukas' Review] Pretty much all good here! I have no gripes with Lukas, just a suggestion! The scope on his rifle should have a lower max magnification. 10x is definitely reaching into the sniper's territory. And while I know I said the rifleman and sniper are mostly interchangeable, I meant that more so for being able to take up the sniper's rifle and using it competently, rather than carrying his own. Perhaps you could drop the max magnification down to 5x, or as high as 6x? The idea for this role is to be the shooter's escort/spotter, so it'd be Lukas' job lead the way for the sniper, and ensure the security of their nest. Of course, if the distance the sniper team has to shoot isn't very far, then of course Lukas would be able to join in on the target practice! Lukas is [color=lime]APPROVED[/color] [/hider] [@Luminosity] [hider=Fiona's Review] I love this character! She comes off as very human, and I can see her being the character in the squad that reminds the others that they're still people. All I have to say is that, as the medic, Fiona will have spent plenty of time keeping the others stitched together. Despite having been with Falcon for only three years, playing the team's doctor should have developed quite a strong bond with the rest of the team. I'm sure Fiona's voice would carry plenty of weight within Falcon despite her being the newest member there. Of course, I can definitely still see how she harbors a lack of confidence among the others because of how long she's been around. It makes sense she'd still jump on a occasion when she's asked to do something. Fiona is [color=lime]APPROVED[/color] [/hider] And that's the first round of reviews done! I'm glad all the characters thus far have definitely fallen into place. It's never fun having to decline a character and breaking a player's spirits. I am still waiting on Carlotta to be finished before I review our two potential scouts. [@Xandrya] and [@thedman], could you both please let me know of an alternative role you'd take if your character isn't approved as the scout? Just so that I can start looking into making my own character in one of the unoccupied roles. And for everybody, I have a plot worked out in my head for this RP. With a very menacing antagonist, and a definitive end to the story should we manage to make it that far. I'll preface this with something akin to a book synopsis. [color=gray] [i]The nights are getting longer as winter looms over the remnants of Falcon squad. Low on supplies, ammunition, and people to call allies, Falcon team makes a desperate attempt to keep their personal war with ADVENT strong. But as they draw closer to their new hope, they too draw closer to the Elders' secret, and the ire of a Chosen menace.[/i] [/color]