As the pokemon came out, Indy felt a surge of anticipation. The technology that was rigged up was pretty amazing, and seeing the pokemon teleport directly to them was incredible, to say the least. Dan's Turtwig seemed like Dan, which brought a smile to Indigo's face. The hybrid turtle and dinosaur like creature looked intriguing, and Indy could have sworn the fresh aroma of forest and grass wafted by as the Turtwig came closer to the pokeball placed before him. [i][color=8882be]I remember reading that their shells are made of soil from the selection screen I think, and they even get their nutrients through photosyntheis. That's pretty convenient, it can just make its food all by itself.[/color][/i] With Dan' soft words and encouraging smile, no wonder the pokemon took to him so quickly. And the way the pokemon just went inside his ball-- it was too easy! Indigo let a self-assured grin spread across his face as he looked at his Torchic. This one didn't seem as shy, although she did look soft, cuddly, and agreeable. This would be a cinch. [i][color=8882be]Piece of cake.[/color][/i] [color=8882be]"Hey there,"[/color] Indigo said, kneeling. [color=8882be]"C'mere, Torchic."[/color] However the Torchic looked at him critically, let out a peep, and went to go explore some other aspect of the lab. She first peered around the professor's feet, pecking at his laces, before running over to the particularly shiny healing machine... Indy, who hated looking anything but cool and composed, got a flustered expression on his face. This was embarrassing! This was supposed to be easy! He was messing up already? He let out a chuckle. [color=8882be]"Ha, give me a sec."[/color] He straightened up. [color=8882be]"Hey, Torchic, over here, now."[/color] Torchic didn't even bother to look at him, examining her reflection in the shiny machine and letting out soft peeps. She certainly wasn't going to go to a trainer whom wasn't going to come to [i]her[/i]. And quite frankly, this human looked weak. Not at all what she had been expecting for her first trainer. Indigo was flustered. Crap! He needed to do something-- she was his responsibility and she was probably going peck up the tech if he wasn't careful! He walked over to her, picking her up. But all the little bird had to do was squawk loudly in protest, kick her legs just a little, and Indigo dropped her, startled. The Torchic was even more unimpressed. Why, this human was an absolute pushover. Indigo was getting frustrated now.[color=8882be]"Alright, guys, just give me a second..."[/color] He said through gritted teeth. Why... Why wasn't she listening?! He looked like fool right now! [color=8882be]"Prof, you said we had to catch 'em, right?"[/color] He gripped the pokeball in his hand before throwing it at The Torchic... She turned around swiftly and kicked it right back! It sailed past Indigo, whose mouth dropped in surprise. What the hell was this?! [color=8882be]"Yo, Prof, what am I supposed to do? This Torchic isn't coming over..."[/color] Maybe the professor would catch it for him...