[quote=@Skwint] I was all for it at first, but then I became hesitant. You say that not everyone can be trusted with Force sensitivity, but anyone can make a faction and have an entire army at their disposal. You can metagame way harder with an entire army than a single untrained force user. Even your character has a very substantial army under his command and can still fight like a Force user even though he isn't one. Not to mention the virtually limitless amount of credits he has access to. He can basically do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, and just kill whoever tells him 'no'. Every character I had in mind felt very insignificant compared to that kind of power. [/quote] To be honest, you make very good points. But one of the applicants wanted one of the most powerful Force Sensitives to ever exist, a Force Sensitive who [i]wasn't even canon[/i]. That was what made me hesitant about people applying for Force Sensitives, especially those with training. Because let's face it when someone applies for someone who in the old canon, is worth an entire flotilla of Imperial Ships, that makes one wary. That said, the requirements for being a Force-sensitive are less stringent than you think they are. You basically just need a well-written profile that justifies Force-sensitivity and training in using the Force, and you're set. I just don't want people with Old EU levels of power (aka people who are worse than [i]Rey[/i]) going around the Galaxy dragging down Star Destroyers from the sky. As for Leonard, yes, he and his faction are powerful. But I feel sort-of-offended that you'd accuse me of godmoding and metagaming. The Hutts, Believers, and New Republic, all joinable factions, are more powerful than Leo, and players can make equivalent factions to his'. But I will say this: If you want full disclosure, I will admit that I was too stringent about Force-sensitives, and will allow more of them in the future. But I will not allow anyone of Rey's power level or higher, which is what the first concept for a Force-sensitive character pitched to me was.