[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/QCgTnAH.png[/img][/center] [hr][@Zeroth][@floodtalon][@SilverPaw][@Gardevoiran][@Kazemitsu][@Searat][@King Cosmos] [quote=System:Jason] Skill Gain: Charisma I Your force of personality is almost magical unto itself. You have a better chance of convincing others during negotiations, unless their Will is sufficiently strong. [/quote] [Color=darkred]"MOURNINGSTAR!!! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING??? WE NEED YOU!!!"[/color] Jason angrily cried as the other group's self proclaimed 'leader' suddenly ran off with valuable ordinance. Some fucking leader indeed, abandoning their allies in the final hours before battle. He had seen their type before, and hated them with a passion. Hopefully he misunderstood her intentions, because right now; it didn't look good. As the cave grew darker, Jason knew time was running out. He had to do it now. [Color=darkred]"Alright guys! I'm starting! I'm gonna need you all to cover me!"[/color] he hollered to his allies, hoping his new [b][Charisma I][/b] skill would prove useful, and prompt his allies to take note of the situation he was about to be in. What to choose? Defense would be nice, but mobility was currently a high priority. Gaining a Variance was HEAVILY tempting, however, gaining more magical aptitude would most likely be best for him right now. Even though the option he settled on didn't offer a high chance of a variance, it was currently the best all-around option. Fortune favors the bold right? Moving close to mama slime, and taking a deep breath, Jason selected [b]Slime Mage[/b], hoping that he hadn't just completely fucked himself, and the others.... Feeling his body start to change, the soon-to-be (official) mage quickly used [b][Monster Analysis I][/b] and [b][Magic Analysis I][/b] on himself before the process could incapacitate him.