[u][b]Daisy[/b][/u] From the portal a cloaked figure floated through. It's face was shrouded, hidden beneath a hood which shifted constantly, nothing visible within the darkness beneath it. The bottom edges of this ink black cloak seemed to flow with the wind as though there were no legs impeding it. Clutched in it's skeletal hand was a scythe, long and black with a silver line along the edge of the blade. Hanging from a loop attached to the end of the handle, joined to base and blade both, was an old black lantern hanging from a chain. Within it a blue flame glowed, bathing the area around this mysterious figure in an unearthly blue glow. Within the light of the flame one could almost make out the faces of those who's spirits now lay beyond the veil in the land of the dead. It's other hand was still reaching through the gate. As it brought it's cold hand through it held in it's grip a smaller hand, it's skin only slightly less pale than the bones which gripped it. The mysterious cloaked figure assisted through the portal another figure, cloaked but with her hood down unlike her companion. With her hand in his he eased her to ground as she set foot in this world. Before the lone gatekeeper they stood, the young girl seemingly in her teen years and her grim companion looking out at the world they now stood within. She was by no means tall, her imposing company making her appear far shorter by comparison. Her long wavy autumn hair was spilled over the hood which hung from her shoulders, her hair reaching all the way down her back. Her cloak was not as tenebrous as her companion's was but it's color was still a deep black, not unreminiscent of one's own shadow. Her emerald eyes peered through the near porcelain mask that was her face, an expression almost as emotionless as a doll's own with the mild exception that were the rings of tiredness beneath her eyes. Her expression though muted carried a faint air of gloominess. She wore no scowl nor frown but rather a weariness which peaked out from beneath the expressionless mask. _ With a couple steps forward she took in the scene around her. Beings of horns and halos traversed the streets, manning the shops and preparing the festivities. Facing away from the portal she could see one such being to her left stationed as a guard of sorts. From what she able to gather before arriving here her kind were referred to as [u]Demons[/u]. These ones weren't like the spirits which earned such descriptor back in her home realm. They seemed relatively uniform in general shape albeit differentiated by individual characteristics. Reaching inside her cloak she produced a letter of invitation from The Grey Garden, the name of this realm. With but a single step forward she presented the crest upon the letter to the black haired demon, looking down to the ground as if concerned with making eye-contact. It wasn't eye contact that concerned her but the names which floated over their heads. Over every head be it angel or demon their fears were ever present, unseen by all except her. She had no desire to pry into these secrets of theirs hence she made an effort not to look up lest she bring such knowledge upon herself. She shepherded their fears nonetheless but it was never without burden. She was always left with the choice to either speak the truth and be surrounded with unsettled stares and wary glares or lie. She favored neither choice. It was all that she could hope that such topic simply was never approached to begin with. "Good evening." She bid her greetings, her voice barely more than a soft murmur. It was no less elegant than her demeanor however her voice was no less unexpressive or gloomy than her either. She was not one to make herself overtly known despite how she stuck out from the vibrant crowds of warm friendly faces. It was ironic that the one least eager to stand out was one of the least capable of blending in.