[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=a64dff]Folly Valeska[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/fih4usjld/kacey-rohl-gif-12.gif[/img][hr][color=a64dff][b]Location:[/b][/color] Stark Tower - Top Level (Floor 93)[/center][hr][hr] Folly couldn't help but feel a bit sad, having returned to the top floor with Future Pietro. She had thought that she'd be better equipped to handle her brain chemistry without her medication, but its absence had already resulted in one near outburst. At least no one had gotten hurt - aside from the blonde girl whose foot Folly had stomped on. [color=a64dff]"O să-mi cer scuze lui Allison..."[/color] Folly then whispered to Future Pietro. She couldn't help but feel guilty too that Dr. Banner was focusing on making medication for her, rather than devoting his genius to fighting the Sentinels. Even though she knew why she had been selected to go back in time, Folly couldn't help but feel she was a poor choice. It was easy for people to mistake Pietro or Thalia as the powerhouses of the group - but she was the only one that could heal quickly enough to adapt to any situation. She was the secret weapon of the group and her madness, as much as she feared it, only made her stronger when she fought against Sentinels and agents of O.M.E.N. Her weaknesses became strengths as she took up the mantle Wolverine had left to her. [color=A6C1C3]"Bine, du-te,"[/color] he responded with a smile. Folly nodded, before she went off at a sprint towards the hallway and she went down there, recalling the descriptions from Future Guin. She stumbled upon the home theater room and she walked inside, stopping with wide eyes as she spotted Professor X. The last time she had been face to face with him, he had thrown her out of the mansion. She shut her eyes then, remembering the events that had lead up to it. She had stabbed a member of the X-Men - it had been an accident. Mary had almost gotten hurt. And Professor X had Wolverine take her away, dropping her off at a mental facility. She was shaking and wringing her hands as she forced herself to open her eyes. [color=a64dff]"...Allison,"[/color] she whispered. [color=a64dff]"I am sorry for attacking you. My medication is....was...I..."[/color] She then decided she couldn't take it anymore and she ran out of the room as quickly as she had entered, taking deep breaths by herself in the hallway. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=0072bc]Dean Kesseli[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/8s0nlf9b5/original.gif[/img][hr][color=0072bc][b]Location:[/b][/color] Stark Tower - Top Level (Floor 93)[/center][hr][hr] Dean had called his parents and insisted that they let him stick around with everyone else for a little while. He was eighteen years old, he had reminded them, and he thought this was finally something he could be good at. He hadn't ever felt as much a sense of purpose and belonging than he did when he was calling the younger student's parents, letting them know that little Sara-Maria or Vasili or Blake were alright. As he was reassuring one of the more panicked parents, after a call where he had to pretend that they were just an ordinary boarding school that got mixed up in the crossfire, he actually smiled slightly. The guidance counselors at the school had always been asking him what he wanted to do with his life - and his best answer, so far, was to make his own band. But now he had a more tentative idea of what he wanted to do - he wanted to help others. And he didn't mean joining the X-Men and becoming a fighter. He wanted to help people in a different way. Maybe as a first responder or a member of the Peace Corps or something. He hadn't applied to any colleges so he couldn't help but feel that this was a good option for him. Otherwise, he figured he'd just end up hanging around the mansion for the rest of his life. [color=0072bc]"That's all of last names L-Z,"[/color] Dean announced, as he hanged up his final phone call. He then ate a twinkie that he had snatched from Pietro earlier, feeling a bit hungry. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=cc33ff]Guin Stark[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s14.postimg.cc/obuzgz2dt/arrow418-4.gif[/img][hr][color=cc33ff][b]Location:[/b][/color] Stark Tower - Top Level (Floor 93)[/center][hr][hr] Guin was blushing faintly still from when Pietro had pulled her aside for an impromptu make out session - but she would have been lying if she claimed she hadn't been into it. She had been a more than willing participant. She nodded as Mary and Tony told them the plans for the next hour or so. It seemed to be the only way they could handle these things - one hour at a time. [color=cc33ff]"Yeah, we should probably figure out what I'm going to say to him...though winging it is more my style,"[/color] Guin admitted with a shrug. She then saw Lance standing off in his pouting corner. [color=cc33ff]"Hold on a sec though, guys..."[/color] She then walked across the room, until she was standing next to Lance in the corner. She put her arm around him. [color=cc33ff]"How're you holding up, Lando?"[/color] she asked quietly. [color=yellow]"Yeah, I'm fine, just too many people... Why do you ask?"[/color] he said, not looking at her, just staring out the window. [color=cc33ff]"Robots trying to kill us, you talking with your father, my boyfriend coming from the future where apparently we're married, the mansion blowing up...It's been a shitstorm of a day,"[/color] Guin explained. [color=cc33ff]"Want to make sure my best bud is okay."[/color] [color=yellow]"Yeah, well I'm fine, just kind of want to be left alone..."[/color] he muttered. Pietro was glaring in their direction, but he had yet to move from his spot. [color=yellow]"My dad was being a little ridiculous... You missed the big blow up in the lab, almost had a Hulk problem to add on top of our other ones..."[/color] Guin couldn't help but laugh slightly at that. [color=cc33ff]"Did he do the entire [i]I'm always angry[/i] speech too?"[/color] she asked, doing a Michael Keaton voice for part of her sentence. Lance's father was ridiculous almost all of the time, in her opinion. When he wasn't working on something in the lab, he always seemed to be at one extreme of the emotional spectrum - and pretending that that wasn't at all the case. She didn't notice Pietro glaring at them and she still had her arm around Lance. [color=yellow]"No, but he doesn't seem to want to leave me alone, as always..."[/color] he said with a small smile. Now Pietro zipped over, pulling Guin slightly away from Lance. Guin couldn't help but be a little bit surprised, turning to look at Pietro who now had his arm around her. [color=cc33ff]"...Hi Pietro,"[/color] she said awkwardly. She then turned back to Lance. [color=cc33ff]"Well, I doubt he'll ever really change...He seems to have a static personality, y'know. Still can't believe he and Aunt Nat tried dating, that was weird..."[/color] [color=yellow]"Yeah... He freaks out too much... You'd think he'd learn that I can handle myself..."[/color] Lance said, his voice barely above a whisper, Pietro was still glaring at him. [color=cc33ff]"I think he's always going to see you as that little kid who'd never been to New York before, synthesizing crystals in one of our labs,"[/color] Guin answered honestly. She noticed Lance's voice drop and she glanced at Pietro, seeing the look of anger in his face. [color=cc33ff]"...Okay, what's going on between you two?"[/color] [color=yellow]"Nothing..."[/color] Lance muttered. [color=7ea7d8]"Nothing you need to concern yourself with Guina."[/color] Guin raised an eyebrow. [color=cc33ff]"Oh really? Then explain to me why you two are clearly hating each other, despite having never met before - and I'd really prefer it if you'd at least try to get along, since Piet, Lance is like a brother to me and Lance, you know Piet's the most serious and healthy relationship I've had."[/color] [color=yellow]"Whatever... Can you leave me alone in my corner now?"[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"Fine with me,"[/color] Pietro said, before he started dragging Guin away. [color=cc33ff]"Let go of me,"[/color] Guin grumbled. [color=cc33ff]"And he's freaking out Piet and needs a friend, I don't get why you're glaring at him but I'm not going to abandon him...."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"He asked to be left alone, so leave the guy alone."[/color] [color=cc33ff]"What's gotten into you?"[/color] Guin muttered, entirely oblivious to the obvious - that Lance had a thing for her and Pietro knew it. She knew Pietro was the jealous type and while she could normally pick up on it, she didn't see it in this instance. She only ever really saw Lance as a friend and a pseudo-brother, nothing more, so it didn't occur to her. [color=cc33ff]"Why are you being so possessive..."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"...Honestly I thought it was obvious... You do realize that guy has a thing for you right? And I'm pretty sure your dad knows it too."[/color] [color=cc33ff]"...That's just crazy talk, Pietro. He's basically my brother."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"Just saying, wouldn't be surprised, he likes you Guin, saw that the instant I met him. He is literally as obvious as can be, and you are the only one, I swear, who can't see it."[/color] Guin couldn't help but have a quick series of flashbacks to all of the times she had ever snuggled up with Lance on the couch to watch a movie and fell asleep next to him. [color=cc33ff]"...Whatever. Even if that's true, you can't just glare at him Piet! He's my best friend!"[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"Yes I can."[/color] [color=cc33ff]"...If you keep on glaring at him and being mean to him, no more Star Trek and Kisses time,"[/color] Guin said, crossing her arms even though he hadn't let go of her.