[center][hider=Ghazruk Krushklaw][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180727/6b521b7548948c2f21df9850d47681be.png[/img] [img]https://image.ibb.co/d6gPb8/gaz.png[/img] ▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞ [color=fff200][b]N A M E[/b][/color] ▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞ [color=dddddd]Ghazruk Krushklaw[/color] ▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞ [color=fff200][b]A L I A S[/b][/color] ▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞ [color=dddddd]Gaz / Krusha[/color] ▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞ [color=fff200][b]G E N D E R[/b][/color] ▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞ [color=dddddd]Genderless[/color] ▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞ [color=fff200][b]S P E C I E S[/b][/color] ▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞ [color=dddddd][hider=Fungai]A species of seemingly low intellect who somehow achieved space flight, the Fungai are the brawlers of the galaxy. The smallest of the race start at 6'5" with the tallest approaching 8'. Their weights are equally large, continuing to grow until their dying breath. They are true warriors in every sense of the word after having a homeworld with minimal resources, meaning there was a constant fight for them. Fortunately when the Fungai achieved space flight they found enough resources to allow their species to survive. However, deep down, rooted in their very being is the will to fight and that makes them very worthwhile mercenaries and soldiers. Their sheer size allows them to strap several inches of armour to their torso's making them walking tanks. In terms of their biology, there is no split gender although they would usually be referred to as he/his given their masculine voices. They reproduce by releasing spores into the air as they approach natural death. These spores pollinate with any vegetation it can find which then mutates and grows the eggs the Fungai hatch from. They can live up to 200 years but due to their preferred choice of work, few live to that point. Due to their fungal nature, the only real way to keep them down is to take out the brain which is located behind a thick skull. They are also capable of regeneration, being able to regenerate a lost limb in a matter of days. Technologically speaking their equipment shouldn't work and looks like something a human child pieced together. However, through blind luck, what they create seems to work and function as effectively as anything any of the other races can create. They use projectile based ranged weaponry with melee weapons being made up of blade, blunt and chain based weaponry. Their armour is crude and is often only thick plates of metal strapped to their body. Only the rare few are capable of operating shield technology although it isn't a fine art and casts a wide bubble that can encompass a nearby squad rather than being a true personal shield. Also there are only a few capable of utilising magic. These few individuals are some of the most powerful magic wielders in the galaxy, however, they have little to know control over it. They could try to manifest a small fireball and end up unleashing a blast capable of incinerating an entire battleship. As such these Fungai are usually [i]lobotomised[/i] immediately when any sign of magic capability is shown. [img]https://geekosophydotcom.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/orks_codex1.jpg[/img][/hider][/color] ▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞ [color=fff200][b]A P P E A R A N C E[/b][/color] ▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞ [hider=][img]http://images.mmorpg.com//images/galleries/formatted/382013/459b5e9d-b6d1-4581-9678-7b0aa449b5a0.jpg[/img][/hider] ▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞ [color=fff200][b]A G E[/b][/color] ▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞] [color=dddddd]73[/color] ▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞ [color=fff200][b]E Q U I P M E N T[/b][/color] ▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞ [b]Mega Armour[/b] [color=fff200]|[/color] [color=cccccc][i]A suit of armour that encompasses the entire body of Gaz. The metal it is made from is six inches thick and is extremely heat resistant.[/i] [/color] [b]Power Klaw[/b] [color=fff200]|[/color] [color=cccccc][i]A large cutting claw that can slash through thick armour, however when using it's cutting mechanism it is capable of cutting through bulkhead doors.[/i] [/color] [b]Dakka Gun[/b] [color=fff200]|[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Featuring a rotary barrel, this high calibre weapon is located beneath his power klaw on his right arm.[/i] [/color] [b]Skorcha[/b] [color=fff200]|[/color] [color=cccccc][i]A heavy flamethrower starapped to the underside of his left arm, Gaz can fill a standard hallway with a wall of fire.[/i] [/color] [b]Chain Choppa[/b] [color=fff200]|[/color] [color=cccccc][i]A large chainaxe Gaz uses in conjuction with his power klaw when things get up close and personal.[/i][/color] ▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞ [color=fff200][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b][/color] ▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞ As with most Fungai, he is can appear very empty headed at times and rather stupid. In reality, what he lacks in intellect he more than makes up for with his courage and willingness to die for his brothers in arms. He doesn't tolerate weakness in battle whether from the enemy or his own side, however he fights with such ferocity that his allies cannot help but be inspired to fight harder. In his downtime he likes to look at [i]pretty[/i] things to keep himself calm. ▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞ [color=fff200][b]B I O[/b][/color] ▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞ [color=dddddd]From a young age Gaz was mocked by the other Fungai due to his small stature. He was often teased but showed a ferocity that few other Fungai could match. Throughout his upbringing he was involved in fights with his peers, most of whom towered over him but their size didn't matter. He was in trouble regularly for beating up those who teased him and more than once found himself disciplined. Eventually he had a growth spurt and caught up with those who had bullied him for so long. His ferocity and new found size commanded respect and life became alot easier for him. By time he had finished his stint in what the Fungai considered school, he became a gun for hire, wanting to make a name for himself across the galaxy. He worked over a thousand jobs over thirty years and is a well known entity amongst those who follow the world of mercenaries. If he is hired by someone, a mere mention of his name is often enough to make their target surrender such is his reputation. For those few decades he worked for different people without ever settling down with one organisation. That all changed when he found the Crimson Legion or rather, the Legion found him. The Legion made an offer to Gaz that included an almost infinite supply of credits, a warm bed and regular meals. All that combined with the thrill of fighting made his decision to join a very simple one. He has been sharpening his cutting claw and the teeth of his chain choppa ready to go on a minutes notice. He has freshly painted his armour in a yellow coat and fully intends on recording any and all kills he inflicts. While bright yellow wouldn't be suitable for the surgical precision of stealth, Gaz's forte was being a skullcrushing sledgehammer and so the colour of it was irrelevant. In fact, deep down he longed for his enemies to spot him, it meant more opportunities to put a notch into his fresh paint. He has only recently joined the Legion.[/color] ▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞ [color=fff200][b]R E L A T I O N S H I P S[/b][/color] ▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞ [b]Silas Cross[/b] [color=fff200]|[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Dainty 'uman, but 'e is da boss.[/i] [/color] [b]Sventillus Septimus Hamkito[/b] [color=fff200]|[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Biggest apart from Ghazruk...still dainty but seems 'andy.[/i] [/color] [b]Therok oz Misol ost nil Gerad[/b] [color=fff200]|[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Don't know 'is name, too big. Tinyiest of everyone but also smartest.[/i] [/color] [b]Cyne Zarubin[/b] [color=fff200]|[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Likes to 'ide...not for Ghazruk. Dat drone 'e 'as is funny![/i] [/color] [b]Macklyn Setzer[/b] [color=fff200]|[/color] [color=cccccc][i]'e 'as the look of Gork...knows dis bizness well.[/i] [/color] [b]Ghazruk Krushklaw[/b] [color=fff200]|[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Da biggest an' da bestest on da ship![/i] [/color] ▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞ [color=fff200][b]T H E M E[/b][/color] ▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞ [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AG546p6qhQY[/youtube] ▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞ [color=fff200][b]O T H E R[/b][/color] ▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞ [hider=]1. Listen to the GM(s), If you have a complaint tell me. I am not an evil dictator and if I am wrong I will admit it. 2. Romance and Gore allowed, But keep it in good taste and in site rules 3. Now not all characters will play nice with each other I understand that, but keep the disputes in the RP not in OOC 4. Be civilized and polite please 5. All basic RP rules apply to this roleplay: Power playing, Meta gaming, and others are not allowed. 6. The story isn't exactly set, If you have an idea for a mission feel free to pm me the details and I'll try to work it in. 7. Copy the rules into a Hider in the "other" of your cs so I know you read them. 8. Get into your character's skin become him or her as you are playing have fun and give us insight into their thoughts. 9. Try to keep active, in both the IC and OOC pages please. And even if you don't have anything to say, at least read the OOC[/hider][/hider][/center]