Michael's attention was fully on Viktor, so he noticed the shadowy figure that appeared before the young man did. Had her intent been to kill, the bodyguard would have soon been without a job but fortunately (or not) for him, Lilith was in a rare moment of mental clarity. Instead of shoving her arm through Viktor's chest, she grabbed him by the back of the neck, her claws sinking in to secure a firm grip. Struggling would only insure pain, ripped muscle, and traumatic blood loss. The foolish boy was free to scream, however, and scream he did. The music was so loud, the beat was reverberating through the structure of the building and deep into Lilith's skull. It seemed to stave off most of the room's attention but the kumiho was close enough that the shrill cries of desperation made her vision go fuzzy. The strobing lights made it hard to get her footing on the stairs, already a struggle thanks to blood-slicked heels. Using Victor as a crutch, she pushed him forward and down the stairs, her free hand gripping a fistful of fabric at his shoulder. By now, Michael's gun was drawn but he kept it low to his side, trying not to draw attention from those who still hadn't caught on to the situation. Of course his beneficiary would manage to find himself as a meat shield the moment trouble arose, Viktor was the only attendee Michael couldn't just shoot through to stop the threat where she stood. Rerouting slightly, the hired guard continued to move in closer but attempted to force an angle that would allow a clear shot. Back at the staircase, Lilith was attempting to trance Viktor once more. It was more difficult because he was afraid and in pain but it was doable with direct access to his nervous system and energy flow. She leaned in to give orders but quickly realized sultry suggestions would fall on deaf ears with all this damned noise. Snarling in frustration, the fox spirit gestured to one of the main speakers causing it to erupt in blue flames. There was sparking and then a loud pop before the music volume dropped suddenly. Everyone stopped what they were doing now. At the landing halfway down the staircase, the pair now stood side by side. The raven haired woman had an arm draped across Viktor’s shoulders, his return embrace taking shape of a hand on her hip. Lilith’s puppet called out to the crowd, “Greetings, friends! Now that I have your attention, my esteemed guest and I would like to start a game. Participation is mandatory, so make sure you listen to the rules. It’s simple: no running, no whining, and no calling for help. As soon as you all make your way upstairs, we can get started.” Lilith let out a gentle smirk and tilted her head in to lick one of the wounds in Viktor’s neck. Dread began to break out in the villa. Those who had paid attention before were confused, hadn’t the couple just been in a confrontation? Wasn’t there screaming? Those just checking in worried this whole party was a setup for Vikor’s initiation into the Bratva. Was he expected to cut ties with everyone from his past life? Was all of this just some weird joke they were too far gone to get? Why did no one seem to recognize the woman? Surely she was the sort Viktor would have shown off to everyone, he didn’t tend to keep his ‘friends’ a secret. Not surprisingly, people began to move in almost every direction but the staircase. Clenching her fist so tight it drew blood, Lilith was done with insubordination. It was time for these humans to cower in awe and fear. “ENOUGH!” A grand sweep of her arm directed her fox flames to create a wall of blue fire, blocking off the front entrance of the building. She didn’t have enough to block off the entire building but now most of the guests would have to pass Lilith to try and get outside. Finally, the strobing light played in her favor, helping with the chaos as people began to push each other to try and find a way out. “I was prepared to end this in a civilized fashion but I suppose that was too much to expect of your kind. Very well, if it's chaos you want, then-” The arrogant fox was interrupted by a sharp hiss of pain. Glancing down, she saw the bloom of a new wound burst from her collarbone. All of Lilith’s magic focus wavered, Viktor wasting no time in sprinting towards his guard while white ears and tails unfurled from the mysterious woman’s body, “Miha! Get me to the cellar, now!” With an infuriated roar, Lilith revealed her true form. Holding the human facade split her focus too much and her anger would only allow her sights to hone in on one thing: forced submission. Leaping for the nearest target, the kumiho’s shining fangs found their mark in the arm of a red haired woman. The wound immediately began to sizzle and burn, eliciting a shrill cry as the flames began to spread.