[@CmdrAlfieq][@Quote5] Fanny held a little smirk while Ernest was telling her about the unlikelihood of having a drone accompany her on the meeting, but as soon Ernest finishes voicing his explanation, he would have seen things a little different than usual. One part of him would have seen things as he usually does, while suddenly another part of him - yet still the same part of him - is now looking independently out the eyes of a small Pod drone now racing down the hallway to catch up to Fanny at the door. After listening to the automated message from MASGC, the following message from the Commander, and then while the door begins opening up to allow them access, Fanny smiles down at the little bot with a wink. “Ernest Junior, huh?” She giggles as she steps through the doorway. “Let’s just call you Junior.” Fanny and Ernest Junior follow the instructions the Commander had described. Their journey was somewhat uneventful aside from some security personal (who may or may not have turned up as escorts and safety precautions), but eventually they made it to Central Node C awaiting further istructions. [@Quote5] “Hi again!” The screen welcomed Ramrod back after climbing the wall for the second time. “I hope you didn’t get hurt. I really didn’t mean to alarm you. I sure hope you haven’t returned to hurt me at all, I really don’t mean any harm. I’m a lot like you when you think about it – sure I’m not plushy and cute like you are, but I am just another treasure for the Forte. I really hope… Hey! That’s it! Maybe you’re the one who can help me, right? I’ve been waiting for so long for someone to come along and save me. You’re getting out of this place, right? Right?? You can take me with you! That would be delightful!” The screen pauses for a moment, releasing a small groan, and adds; “But you probably won’t take me with… I’d only be a burdon, and I’m much too big to be carried by such a cute little fella like yourself.” Apart from revealing that he is also a captive, the view screen seems to be turning out like a real chatterbox. He keeps rambling in a nervous voice, telling Ramrod everything he knows about the current situation, including the fact that everything the Forte have was taken from other civilizations, which includes their torpedo shaped vessel that they stole from another race called The Skant. Literally everything they have, as far as the View Screen knows, isn’t actually theirs. In any case, Ramrod is going to have to interrupt the view screen if he wants to get a word in. [@GingerBoi123][@Metatrooper] Fanny starts laughing when Damien pushes her off and is still laughing like someone had told her a joke that she couldn’t let go of as she gets to her feet and dusts herself off, taking a brief look around at the hangar. The sight of Meta and the Instigator, though she sees them quite clearly, don’t seem to bother her in the least. If anything, they seem to add to her amusement. Fanny is unarmed and still dressed in her grey business skirt, white blows, semi-high heels, and now props her glasses up higher on her nose. When Damien was done with his antagonistic introduction, she looks down at his protective hand and stops laughing to grin speculatively. She then regards Meta with a big toothy smile, saying; “I really love what you’ve done with this place. And is this your pet spidey?” She swirls a finger in direction of the Instigator; “Because he is absolutely adorable!” [@Quote5] The Forte don't noticeably respond to the gathering of 20 Armoured Gunships and 10 private militia ships of Rodia. Maybe they don’t see them as a threat, or maybe they are quietly preparing their own attack. Meanwhile, as Siren and the Wave Blaster move to the front of the Forte’s ship and conduct scans to look for weaknesses, then find none. In fact, they pick up on no readings at all beside the fact that the hull of the ship is made from some variety of unknown alloy. Any scans of the interior of the ship also don’t seem possible, at least until Siren can find a way to penetrate the hull with her technology. [center][@GingerBoi123][@Quote5][@Metatrooper][@CmdrAlfieq][/center] [center]Less than a minute after Rodia ships and Wave Blaster take their positions, the Forte's ship drops suddenly out of Transit-Drive and comes to a halt, its pointed Bow now only a few miles from The Tempest and likely within scanning range. Either way, the massive metallic tip of the Torpedo shaped vessel along with Rodia, the 30 Rodia fighters and Siren's Wave Blaster can be seen by Meta, Damien and Fanny through the forcefield seal opening of The Tempest's Hanger.[/center] [center][h1][color=00a99d]***[/color][/h1][/center] Although MASGC and The Tempest are at tail ends of the phenomenon, Haney’s Ribbon continues her faster than light approach of them both, and now Rodia, The Wave blaster and Forte as well. She is now less than an two hours away from making contact with all of them, and at this point the effects of her approaching presence will be interfering with technological systems of various types, including communications and navigational controls of all parties in the line of destruction. [hr] [@Doc Doctor] Perhaps half a minute after Donny speaks his piece in a way to only induce suspicion in Dr. Fock, the gas takes its effect on him. He wakes an unknown time later, but maybe long enough for Donny’s previous hunger to be felt with a vengeance. Donny is no longer wounded. By all accounts, despite his probably hunger, he should be feeling 100%. He is now in a different room that he was at the time of being gassed to sleep. He is seated in a reclining metal chair near the center of the room. He is not strapped in or secured, but he is surprisingly wearing the clothes he arrived in, though his weapons have been removed. They can’t be seen anywhere in the room. Even the razor blades that lined his collar have been removed, no doubt placed with the rest of his equipment somewhere on board the ship. The room is metallic, approximately 15 meters in diameter, with a single, circular wall and one exit that can be made out as a faint outline of an arched doorway to his right. No handles or any other item can be seen to open this door. Next to the door, however, is a small 8 inch square, black screen, maybe a touchpad of types. At four evenly placed intervals on the ceiling are security turrets, each of them armed with an array of 5 different weapon types, each with their own allocated barrel, and each are equipped with red laser sensors that are actively probing the area surrounding Donny’s position. The only other currently visible subject in the room is a young woman in her late teens to early twenties. She is seated in a chair facing Donny from two meters away. She has brown shoulder length hair, green eyes, and is dressed in boots and a grey jumpsuit with a Cyan logo embroidered on left breast pocket that reads: QMS. Pinned to the right collar of her suit is what appears to be a generic name tag that doesn’t at all suit the rest of her attire. The name tag reads F. May. She also wears a small device on her right wrist, similar though smaller than the ones Dino Gavon and his crew were wearing. No weapons are visible on her person. With her hands couples modestly in her lap and portraying an almost emotionless face - just a smallest trace of a smile – F. May stares at Donny in initial silence. Once Donny has properly gained consciousness and is more than well aware of his surroundings, she speaks to him a calm and somehow clinical tone: “Donny. How do you feel about anchovies?” She then raises one brow at him in an expectant manner to await a reply. [hr] [@Zyngard][@Dartbored Fairy] After removing his mask, Hida is met by a wide-eyed and wary glare from Dino Gavon, who proceeds to watch her as she approaches the door to the station. Lieutenant Shard, on the other hand, gives Hida a wave in a Forrest Gump fashion and spouts her greeting. She then catches up to Hida with cheeks puffed as she lets out a sigh of relief. “Boy O boy, that sure was a close one!” Shard tells her, as they stand at the door to allow the riffraff to exit before entering. She takes off her mask and holds out her hand to greet Hida with a formal handshake, adding; “You can call me Shard! You’re the first alien I’ve had the privilege of meeting. I sure hope you’re nicer than the others we’ve met so far. What do you people call this world anyway?” [hr] When Cuna steps aside, Fanny doesn’t take the opening to pass by. Instead, her look of boredom is replaced by an intense stare at Cuna, watching him in a way that a child may observe a suspicious stranger. Meanwhile, in the kitchen where Pirila and Mili are having their meal, the tube of lotion, which was supposed to have been thrown away, is now laying on the table next to the second half of Mili’s sandwich. [hr] A moment later, while Mili is chewing her sandwich and the lotion is noticed, and while Cuna is being curiously observed by Fanny, and while Shard and Hida are standing outside the Station Hall, a tremor strikes. The earthquake is quick and sharp, having enough force to knock anyone standing off their feet. The ground for miles around shifts sharply in one direction then the next, while the entire structure of Phantom Point Station sways to and fro. The floor cracks in numerous areas. The walls creek and moan beneath the pressure. The earthquake is followed by a massive sounding boom that seems to derive from the sky, though for anyone outside nothing can be seen in the murky heavens above. [hr] [@Oh no my soup] Magnus lands his ship in the bay and finds himself is in luck, kinda… maybe? Propulsion's R Us have a self-serve policy; take what you want, then deposit what you owe in the honesty box to the left of the fueling bay. Of course, there is a little disclosure notice posted above the honesty box that reads as follows: [indent][indent][i][color=39b54a]Hi! Welcome to Propulsions R Us! Please top up and deposit your payment in the box below – we sure will appreciate your honesty! If payment for your favourite Propulsion is not made before you depart from this station, you will be henceforth branded an outlaw by Doug, who will most like hire a thug to scale the universe hunting you down to punish your dishonest, lowlife, good for nothing ass. So keep that in mind before stealing from us – and have a good day![/color][/i][/indent][/indent] At the opposite side of the Fueling bay to the honestly box, is a doorway that leads to an turbo lift that serves as an access pod to the rest of the station.