[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tOOIWiX.gif[/img][/center] As opposed to the telling movements of Daimyon and Faith, Thomas was unnaturally still in the meantime between his question and Daimyons answer. The only part of him that moved was his beady eyes, which darted from speaker to speaker like a child through a park full of attractions. [center][color=mediumseagreen]"...or I'll kill everyone in this room~? How terribly unsporting of you."[/color][/center] Faith's movement was first. He didn't know much about Faith's behavior, but he had gambled incorrectly on her reading comprehension. Not only had she misinterpreted the passage entirely — which was anything but hard to interpret — she immediately likened Thomas to an aggressor. Although that was arguably correct, Thomas could only come to the conclusion that Faith did not understand the situation she was in. He was not sure whether she was trying to be discreet about drawing a weapon on him — a novel concept, when your enemy specialized in movement — but her actions with the knife were not alarming to Thomas in the slightest. Although he had vastly overestimated Faith's ability to read about basic textbook chemistry, he was certain that she would realize why attacking Thomas right now was an extremely poor idea. The truly aggravating thing she did was kicking the textbook under her chair. It was already haggard, and Faith kicking it was definitely going to damage the book which was [i]very[/i] valuable to Thomas. Thomas hand, the one with the vial, seemed to have moved when she was reading the book, but it was uncertain whether it had actually moved or not. [center][i][b]”...One more! And then I get to go free!”[/b][/i][/center] [center][color=bd71e8]"...He could totally blow the door down.”[/color][/center] Jezebels reaction was impressive, despite her simple misunderstanding. The fact that she was able to identify the telltale signs of an explosive Thomas and Denis left in the vial without Faith spelling it out was somewhat unexpected. Although, there was only a few things implied by the situation they were in, so it may have just been a guess on Jezebels part. Despite this, her assertion was incorrect. She didn't even know if Thomas needed the handbook to enter Marianne's room. Perhaps there was another, less obvious reason for his request. On top of that, Jezebel made the incorrect assumption that Thomas would screw himself over. He was a little disappointed, as his position in the room should've made it particularly obvious who would be the blackened for a fairly straightforward case if Daimyon didn't give him the handbook. Alice's reaction was less unexpected, however, it's spasm in the vault was nothing short of jarring. Someone who claimed the have a talent for destruction would surely be specialized in this type of thing. In some parts, Thomas sympathized with the robotic Alice. Allegedly, all it wanted to do was end this killing game. That is truly a novel concept. [color=2E2C2C]Thomas couldn't help but wonder if this Alice would be upset that he would beat her to the punch, though.[/color] [center][color=seagreen]“Which renders my role almost moot, doesn't it? Out of moral principles, I shall still decline, make no mistake. Despite that, I hope you do not mind explaining yourself in front of myself and the others.”[/color][/center] Which left him with Daimyon. Thomas wasn't sure if Daimyon was purposely being dense, or if he really thought he was in any position to be refusing Thomas's proposal, much less making demands of him. The fact that he was declining on moral principle was laughable. Perhaps, Daimyon believed that Thomas didn't have the resolve to follow through on whatever threat Daimyon perceived from him because he didn't understand the situation, just like Faith. Thomas broke his statue stillness and spoke... except it was now obvious that one part of him was moving extremely slowly while everyone else was speaking. His other hand, the one with the vial, was extended around Faith's chair, just like the hand that had offered her the textbook. He continued to stare straight ahead. [color=ADD278]"No. [i]You[/i] make no mistake, Infinite Poet."[/color] Thomas's miniature bicep twitched, and his empty hand trembled slightly. [color=ADD278]"Your claim to having moral principles is cognitive dissonance. I'll prove it now."[/color] Thomas's arms began to move. [color=ADD278]"[color=magenta]Monokuma[/color]. I know you're watching this. I need you to explain something."[/color] Thomas would quickly clasp his hands together, so that they were both holding one part of the vial and his arms were encompassing Faith and the chair she was sitting at in a hug from behind. Assuming there was no last second resistance, his hands, which were balled into fists around the vial of fluid that was now sloshing uncomfortably, would find themselves at the base of Faith's sternum. [color=ADD278]"I have absolutely no intention of causing harm to anyone. However, I do intend to stay like this until I am given Marianne's handbook [i]or[/i] the Night of Carnage starts. Assuming that the fluid in this vial is indeed a nitroglycerin based explosive, it is very unstable, and will react if it is disturbed too much. Knowing this, I will try my hardest to keep this fluid from being disturbed while I wait for the Infinite Poet to give the handbook. However, Monokuma, this is where you must explain -- Should the Infinite Matchmaker disturb this fluid through her own movements, causing me to shake, drop, or otherwise trigger the proverbial explosive... I'd like for you to explain who would be responsible for any following damage."[/color] Denis remained still, staring at the ground. [@BrokenPromise][@Mateotis][@Vocab] [s]hey does anyone know what ligma is?[/s]