[center][h1][color=fff200]Ratface[/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/2007scape/images/e/e6/Shadowy_figure_2.png/revision/latest?cb=20160806071328[/img][/center] [center][h3] at Za Boat a.k.a Main Deck, HMS 'Dreadnought' [/h3][/center] [u][b]Building a Friend-ship[/b][/u] [s]and perhaps forming the most dangerous alliance ever set foot on the land of the rising sun.[/s] Ratface stood there in silence, menacingly, being grotesque as it can be and listened to the threats and condition the overprotective Navy girl demanded her master's safety. Respectable, A smart move on their part. The king of rats wouldn't have it any other way that their potential ally is no fool when it comes to this kind of deals. [color=fff200]"Now, now, Admiral, your little master is right, there's no need for such hostility, you have all the right to be suspicious and you have the utmost leverage in this situation, my messenger being surrounded by your armed men states the obvious," [/color]Piper said through his hivemind carrier. [color=fff200]"you are fierce as your legend says, I like you.."[/color] Ratface says, contorting its void-like face, forming a disturbing smile out of its rats figure and rubbing his grimy hands together, staring blankly at the navy servant. [color=fff200]"and yet, that fierceness blinds you for seeing the bigger picture here"[/color] Ratface immediately frowns and turns his sight to her master, the one who is more open-minded of the two. She isn't super uptight like her servant in uniform, so maybe she can be reasoned with Piper's proposal. [color=fff200]"Forgive my grotesques looks, my looks or what I choose what to look like isn't important, sometimes the best of help comes in the form of the unpleasant ones."[/color] He answered, turning his attention and slowly walks towards the homunculi girl. [color=fff200]"Think about it, little one, with your ship's raw firepower and my coordination and network of familiar, we'll be unstoppable. My rats are quick, my rats are nimble, they talk to me, whisper me secrets from all over Japan, Perhaps these secrets and information can be shared with a friend, if she truly wishes...Especially hunting down these culprits from Ruler's message"[/color] He playfully smiled and continues. [color=fff200]"In other words, I'll be your eyes on the land, You'll be my weapon at the sea. I point, you shoot.. our alliance goes together like PB&J"[/color] The rat figure pitching his proposal, circling around her, making her think about the benefits of partnering with the King of Rats. [color=fff200]"As for your condition, it seems we come to a compromise and this deal is good as it gets, Its a shame tho, it may not be 'practical' but My master is an old-fashioned formal man and likes this kind of stuff, treating his guests like kings and whatnot, Master will not be pleased about this.. But you're right, safety is more important than formality"[/color] Rat-face sighed. [color=fff200]"Very well, It can't be help, I shall accompany this mask upon your request, little one"[/color] Rat-face extends his arms and grab dirty vagrant like-mask with his grimy hands like some sort of beach ball, scrutinizing it inch by inch. 'What a strange object' said the Figure made entirely out of rats. [color=fff200]"This mask will be your representative, and as for i for my master, I think that's reasonable and fair,"[/color] Rat face said letting go of the mask and let it float about, giving it a pat on the head before speaking again. [color=fff200]"Very well, I shall receive further instructions from my master, what i've said earlier in my proposal is mine alone, but think about it and keep an open communication.."[/color] Ratface said before facing the edge of the rails of the ship, preparing to leap into the waters. [color=fff200]"Come Ted, you know how to swim right?" [/color] [@Paradox Witch][@MrCellophane][@Seirei No Hai]