[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/anha-queen-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180625/093ae24f498f8ae16f02aa77509a8231.png[/img][/url][/center] [right][color=fff200]La Vida: Streets[/color][/right] [hr] The dip in temperature as the night took hold over the dimly lit streets didn't phase the teenage vigilante at this point. Knight was slowly walking the road back to the Wayward House, a swift flick of the wrist tossing the blood from his blade. Within the next 24 hours, Knight knew that 11 bodies would be found by the police, all of them suffering from similar lacerations. The police would begin a panicked search for the culprit, not caring for the service he had provided them. The police had the responsibility of trying to lie to the public and tell them that they are safe: Knight had the responsibility of actually protecting the city. Knight entered into the House without a word, refusing to use the front door and instead opting to enter in through his own bedroom window, one that he had left unlocked but moderately trapped earlier in the day. A small bit of fishing line attached to the pin of a tear gas canister just out of sight would be enough to scare away most, and would be undetectable except by those similar to Knight. The trap was easy to disarm: Knight himself lodged a small blade between the two panes of the window, cutting the line. Once inside, Knight removed his mask and his clothing, stripping down into boxers and a tank top. He folded his clothes, stowing them away before beginning the process of removing the other minor instruments from the bag he left in his room: a drill, screws, and special shelving equipment. Late in the night, Knight began the process of mounting his equipment. Once everything was correctly assembled, James crawled into bed and passed out, letting his night end with a peaceful slumber that would end in the mid-afternoon the following day.