Cs Name: Artemis Gender: Female Age: Species: Pixie Faction: Nimbat Appearance: [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/76f4/f/2016/259/1/8/04___by_antilous-daht55f.jpg[/img] Personality: Artemis is a proud and serious hunter who always looks out her her own interest before anyone else’s she prefers to hunt and fight alone with the exception of nox she had a lot of respect for nature knowing that without the plants and the animals the world, life could not survive she dose not trust other easily and regularly disobeys her orders Bio: Power 1: Battle Magic Power 2: Earth/Plant Manipulation Likes: Dislikes: Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Weapon: Ares the war blade Other: Pet Name: Nemesis Pet Age: Pet Gender: Pet Species: Magic Bird Pet Appearance: [img]https://pm1.narvii.com/6013/664e32702db3a5c777b7413f2c1128d4a9beb4e5_hq.jpg[/img] Pet Personality: Nemesis is loyal and obedient to her master and very protective of her Nemesis is very aggressive in battle preferring to eliminate her opponents quickly and efficiently Pet Power 1: Mythic Bird Physiology Pet Power 2: Kinetic Energy Manipulation