[hider=Blu] [color=darkseagreen]So what's your name?[/color] [i]' After much research on these creatures, I have elected to not bestow a name upon them as a whole, but instead call this specimen Blu. '[/i] [color=darkseagreen]Why do you look like [url=https://orig00.deviantart.net/9eef/f/2013/279/9/5/dia_by_livanas-d6pfbdd.png] that?[/url][/color] [i]' These creatures seem to be night dwellers, or at the very least prefer the shadows and dim light, more than likely to hide themselves. Their tough black hide and lanky body gives them an almost ethereal look in the shadows, akin to a mirage in a desert. When using abilities, these creatures emit what I can only describe as were-lights, only adding to their dreamlike appearance. '[/i] [color=darkseagreen]You're weird. I bet you can do some cool stuff.[/color] [i]' As far as abilities are concerned, This singular specimen seems to have the ability to transport itself to near any location within viewing distance. The furthest distance I have seen accomplished in one " leap " was 15 feet, though it was able to accomplish moving 50 by moving 10 feet at a time in rapid succession, as one would expect it tires the creature out rather quickly if overused. ' [/i] [color=darkseagreen]So where's your home? Is it as weird as you are?[/color] [i]' The location of this creature's habitat is currently unknown to me, though with as strange as this place is and the evidence I have gathered, I thoroughly suspect that it is a creature of dreams, possibly a byproduct of a powerful magic user's nightmares. This theory alone may solve a question or two, but it presents many more. What are the requirements for a mage to create such a creature unknowningly? what drives these creatures, built of dreams, nay, nightmares? ' [/i] [color=darkseagreen]What's your favorite candy?[/color] [i]' Recently I have learned simply how curious Blu is, he ( I have taken to referring to him as a male, simply for ease of my records. ) had been found rummaging around in my bedside table. He leapt away, dissapearing with a soft click and a handfull of my bubblegum. ' [/i] [color=darkseagreen]Do you have any?[/color] [i]' My candy stockpile continues to dwindle, no matter what kind I buy, Curious. '[/i] [color=goldenrod]High Concept: Dreamwalker [/color] [color=goldenrod]Explanation:[/color] ( As a creature of dreams, Blu finds himself watching over his companions, if ever he finds one. In dreams his companions may never fear the unknown, and may always expect a good night's sleep when he is nearby. As a Dreamwalker he takes it upon himself to know of and eliminate any threat to the dreamers he watches over, be it in the physical or dream realms. [color=goldenrod]Trouble: Social Phobia?[/color] [color=goldenrod]Explanation:[/color] [i]' A very solitary creature, it took me months to even begin to properly study Blu. He is extremely suspicious of any and all life, and becomes violent extremely easily if one gazes upon his face. He will flee immediately upon spying a new life-form approaching, and will never be found in groups larger than 3 ( including himself ) though that does not mean he is not close by and watching. ' [/i] [color=goldenrod]1st Aspect: A creature of NO words[/color] [color=goldenrod]Explanation:[/color] Though noise and making sounds with his mouth is not past him, speech is. He may be able to understand it, and learn other languages surprisingly quickly, but he is completely unable to speak, or write. [color=goldenrod]2nd Aspect:Crippling Aquaphobia[/color] [color=goldenrod]Explanation:[/color] There is no way anybody is getting him anywhere near a bath, his fear even goes so far that he refuses to cross any bodies of moving water, or bodies of water that he cannot see the bottom of. Obviously, oceans or oceanlike bodies of water are entirely out of the question. [color=goldenrod]3rd Aspect:Charitable Soul[/color] [color=goldenrod]Explanation:[/color] He pays attention, while he himself has little need for objects of this realm he knows others do. Have you ever lost a teddy bear, only for it to appear again when you next wake? Have you found yourself without a torch on an adventure, or lacking the lifesaving potion you need for your adventuring partner? Only for it to appear suddenly? Just out of eyesight? [/hider]