[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180727/1408f1332ef4e7a171462d4ccab95617.png[/img][/center][hr][right][color=gray][b]Unknown Alleyway[/b] Midday[/color][/right][hr][indent][color=red][b]"Get her!"[/b][/color] Gullible as she was, Kyu-Ri had been led straight into a trap. The man who she thought was injured had been faking his wounds, and his acting was good enough for Kyu-Ri to lower her guard momentarily. Kyu-Ri didn't wish to see another person die, but as the situation turned against the Korean, it might just be [i]herself[/i] winding up dead. [i]Snap![/i] The sound of a bullet grazing the ground by her feet caused Kyu-Ri to stumble. She needed a place to hide, but where? Most buildings were boarded up or infested with the infected, but Kyu-Ri needed to take her chances. To Kyu-Ri's right was a large apartment complex, with the first floor nearly impossible to enter, with boarded up windows and locked doors. Using the flat top of her baseball bat, Kyu-Ri feverishly tried to break the boards free, hoping that she would live another day rather than lay on the street as dead meat.[/indent]