What a lovely little site I've stumbled upon! I'm The Hornet, as I'm sure you've gathered. I've been collectively a Roleplayer for about five or six years, starting in World of Warcraft when I joined one of my online friend's roleplaying guilds. It just started from there, and really started to take over for me. I devoted a lot of my time through high school to getting on World of Warcraft and literally wasting the day away with people who shared a common interest with me. I even got a couple of friends in school to write a few stories with me, but they never went really far.When you can't find me here, I'm most likely reading or playing video games. I'm a huge nerd for GTA V, Friday the 13th and Dark Souls (as I'm sure you guessed from the name). I'm a sucker for anything Romance, but I like a lot of tragedy and like a sad ending more than a good ending. Considering my background with World of Warcraft, I am always up for anything in a Fantasy environment. I could also do a horror roleplay because I just love being the mouse in a game of cat and mouse. I'm a patient person, I can wait a few minutes to a few days if the need be. I will always try to give the person (or persons) I'm roleplaying with a few paragraphs at a time. I know most of you aren't looking for essays, but I will do my best to give as much attention to detail as possible! I'd consider myself maybe a more experienced roleplayer, and definitely not nervous to tackle any sort of project if I'm interested in it! Well, I guess that's all I have for me. If you have any request, ideas, questions, concerns, comments, complaints,[s] I will leave you a toll-free customer support number to call [/s] you can get a hold of me here or at my inbox. Thank you for looking at my little post here and have a great day!