Cs Name: Lexaeus Gender: Male Age: Species: Nobody Faction: Organisation XIII Appearance: [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/mundigames/images/7/7f/Lexaeus.png/revision/latest?cb=20101124205141&path-prefix=es[/img] Personality: to say that Lexaeus is not the sharpest tool in the shed is an understatement Lexaeus is strong bold serious and has a short temper he has good battle instincts and more raw power then most but he does not have any intelligence to speak off Bio: Power 1: Red Aura Manipulation Power 2: Likes: Dislikes: Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Weapon: Other: Pet Name: Pet Age: Pet Gender: Pet Species: Pet Appearance: Pet Personality: Pet Power 1: Pet Power 2: