Scathach hummed to herself as her "handler" escorted her to the meeting area. Despite the magnetic cuffs enveloping both of her hands entirely, and muting her powers, she was in a reasonably good mood. After all, it wasn't every day that you might get to meet your hero! She smiled- leered, really- as she meandered down the hall, much to the concern and annoyance of the soldier training a gun on her shoulder blades. Ha. As if she could actually be hurt by such a little toy. She'd survived atmospheric reentry before. ...Once. It hadn't been pleasant. But she'd survived, and that was the point. The only downside was the lack of comfortable weight on her back. The Seraph had been her constant and loyal companion (once she'd burned through their meager security measures) since she'd stolen it out from under these Feddie dogs' noses so long ago. It was almost more fun than when she'd stolen their Prominence thingy. Gods, she could still remember the thrill she'd felt when she got [i]that[/i] particular power boost. Her interrogators had threatened to take the precious thing away from her, but without a really good black market cyber-doc on hand, they were shit out of luck. Unless they really wanted to tear her literal heart out just to get to it. On any other day, they even might have done so. But not today. No, today, she was useful to them. Today, she was an asset. And she had no doubt she'd have her baby Seraph back soon enough. Can't have an asset running at minimum base effectiveness. Even if that was still the level of throwing star-stuff into peoples' faces. The doors to the waiting area [i]whooshed[/i] open, and Scathach's eyes widened slightly. A dragon. Well. They certainly were pulling all the stops out for this mission, weren't they? Nothing said desperate like being willing to be confused with Space Pirates. Even if the two of them looked nothing alike. Seriously, use your eyes, people... She grinned brightly at her fellow cannon fodder, looking forward to knowing just how fucked all of them were. After all, what fun was a mission without a little horrible, life-threatening risk?