[h2]Othianne Phorensia Obberhausen[/h2] "Britain and Greece... plus a wooden artifact of unknown nature," Othis said in a deadpan voice as she looked around the room, noticing the parallels that could be drawn with their own faction's Servants. "As far as Western Heroic Spirits are concerned, these are indeed the best locations to look for potential catalysts. Theorizing without evidence won't help. However, we can assume that the worst case scenario for us is if the Einzbern summoned one of the other Knights of the Round Table; personal grudges between Servants would pose a serious threat to our war efforts. If they somehow manage to call upon King Arthur's help, we could be facing a serious risk of a loyalty crisis." Othis made a brief pause, taking the time to look at both Tristan and Mordred's Masters as well as their respective Servants. Her expression was completely neutral, hopefully making it evident that what she said wasn't meant as an offense or critique to the knights. That was just a blunt delivery of her—and probably others'— thoughts on their situation. Earning the ire of her own allies was the last thing she intended to do. "Concerning communication means; with Caster's assistance, I may be able to provide us with portable Mystic Codes for that purpose. If that is acceptable to everyone, I mean," Othis said once Shion asked whether or not they had means to communicate with one another and keep a tight cooperation.