Riley quickly looked through her scope to see a girl running then almost stumbled when a bullet hit the ground by her feet. She quickly looked behind the girl to see 4 men running and at shooting her. Riley thought of just letting it go and let her die but then her gut told her to help the girl. ”fuck it,” she muttered then pulled the trigger on the first guy causing the other three to duck and cover. She looked back at the girl to see her running towards her building. Riley knew she needed to end this quick before other visitors came to visit. Riley quickly looked back at the men to see them looking everywhere for her, good she had the upper hand. Pulling the bolt back to put in another bullet in the chamber, she looked down range again and picked off another guy leaving the other two guys running closer to the girl while sticking to cover. ”Fuck” Riley left her rifle there and ran down to the first floor to let the girl in and kill the other two guys. When she got to the first floor she heard banging on a boarded window, she ran over to it and opened it enough to let her in. ”get the fuck in!” she yelled then pulled out her pistol and fired a few rounds in the general area they were at. She hit one guy but wasn't sure if he was dead then went to shoot the other guy but heard the unforgiving click of her gin meaning it was empty. ”fuck!” she yelled then empty the mag and grabbed a loaded one and put it in the gun. She went to shoot it again only to get tackled to the ground by the one guy left alive, her pistol left her hands and slide out of her reach. She focused on taming the guy's arms so she can flip them but he was surprisingly strong. Riley only had one choice at this point she saw the girl and called out to her. ”Hey, girl! Find the gun and kill this fucker!” she grunted and held on for dear life hoping she would do it.