[quote=@catchamber] The massive amounts of prosperity generated by mixed economies worldwide. Many exceptions to this trend exist for various reasons, and the benefits of meshing depend on their application. [/quote] Well the chart for GDP, seems to be in favor of the United States. While the 'freedom' chart seems very sketchy and not substantiated. How is Canada, a place where you can go to jail for hate speech. Or Australia, who had to forcefully give their guns back to the government. Any more free than the US? [quote=@catchamber] Collectivism fails when it puts the group above its members, because power is transferred from individuals to those given authority over the group. A cohesive group has members that act with their own and others' interests in mind, aka mutual prosperity. [/quote] Isn't disagreement and conflict inevitable with large groups of people? Can't exactly achieve a hive-mind. Also do you think most people would act with their own interests first, over others? [quote=@catchamber] If the political system is responsible, yes. [/quote] That's what I was asking. Is it or nah? Are you implying capitalism can sometimes be the reason companies fail? Like it would imply under socialism or elsewhere, failed kickstarter disasters or farce solar panel projects would work...but competition and the free-market held them back? Or is the onus on the individuals who made a bad investment/idea and should rightfully fail as a result of their own poor decisions? [i]May be revealing a bit of my hand on the matter, but I was curious what you thought on the situation.[/i] [quote=@catchamber] Many problems, because a full toolbelt is better than just a hammer. [/quote] I mean, I suppose I don't have much to disagree with what you said. I'm not sure if the statement replied to was exactly addressed? But I'm okay with leaving it there. If that's your two cents on the subjects. I guess I just kind of wish America would do the opposite. Because we're currently pushing to be like everyone else, when everyone else is pushing to be like us. Canada is getting more privatized healthcare. More countries are switching to market/capitalistic economies. I'd rather not have another Obamacare boondoogle.