[@Hokum][@Quote5] [u][b]Fanny and Ernest Interaction[/b][/u] Arriving at Central Node C, they're witnessing in what appears to look like a futuristic airport hub in space, but only with less commercial shops to visit and more boring trade networks that are used by other contenders. Strangely enough, everything was almost seem to be empty on Central Node C.. Maybe because they're just recently setting up a new place, or said faction haven't contacted or discovered by others just yet? Unbeknownst to them, the Commander spoke from a speaker had reminded them to get pass the security clearance at the main corridor in order to reach Central Node A so they can use an elevator to jump onto his area at Level 22. If they want to gather more information about Central Node C or other things, only a pinnacle amount of personnel are presented right at the moment in Central Node C. Most of them were volunteering soldiers and a few workers for keeping the ship in full maintenance. Suddenly, a warning sound has been heard throughout the whole MASGC's space headquarters announced by one of other operators in Command Section A. [quote=@Operator of Command Section A] Attention to all personnel of the ship, this is the operator of Command Section A! There was an incursions at 2-0-7 near to our location.. Repeat! Incursions at 2-0-7 near to our location! The command suggests to act vigilante and prepare for potential threats of impending invasion! Gunners of the HQ, post to your battlestations, pilots at the hanger and be ready on my command, over and out! [/quote] [u][b]Rodia Interaction[/b][/u] Upon entering and within MASGC's space headquarters close detection range. The message by the automated AI has given: [quote=@M.A.S.G.C Automaton] Registering an undefined starship address in range... Scanning in progress... -[20%] -[55%] -[80%] -[100%] Scan completed. Allocation of addresses in MASGC database... ... Address not found! [Retry: 3] ... Allocation of addresses in MASGC database... ... Address not found! [Retry: 2] ... Allocation of addresses in MASGC database... ... Address not found! [Retry: 1] ... Allocation of addresses in MASGC database... ... Address not found! [Retry: 0] Registration of Starship has failed. Class identification has changed to Unknown/Restricted in Address [72,A1,F1,35,33,FF,FF]. ... Docking is not possible. Communication to the MASGC's Space Headquarters for permissions is required! [This is an automated message of the MASGC Space Headquarters, and thus if you have an enquiry, then don't reply to this system and proceed to contact someone working at the MASGC Space Headquarters. Thank You.] [/quote]