[hr][center][img]https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/1400/f5680f53522101.59377852a7113.png[/img][/center][hr][sub][color=FDAD07][b]Gateway City, California[/b] [b]Issue #2[color=white] [b]—[/b][/color][/b] Unseen Enemies[/color][/sub] [indent][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/COlQmFY.png?1[/img][/center] [color=8F898E][b]“Raaaghhhhhh!!!!”[/b][/color] While two of the greatest heroes in the world fought a cosmic being of great power, Gateway City had found itself in trouble and once again called upon Wonder Woman to save them from peril. As much as she [i]wanted[/i] to confront the Silver Surfer, she found herself a little preoccupied. The monster before her was terrifying, not for its ghoulish appearance but for its innate need to [i]devour[/i] everyone that came into its path. Bekka wasn't sure how many souls it had consumed by the time it had crossed her path in a Gateway City shopping mall, but it was clear to her that everyone in the mall was in danger the longer the creature remained present. She had threatened it to stop its course of action, but she received no answer except for an incomprehensible shriek of hunger and pain. What had the humans in Gateway City brought upon themselves? Bekka's brows narrowed as she swung her sword, severing one of its many twisted and discolored tentacles that had attempted to grab her and bring her closer to one of its many teeth. Bekka had not survived the genocide of New Genesis to become ghoul food. [color=FDAD07][b]“I will not yield!”[/b][/color] She shouted as she moved into a roll, moving under another one of its 'limbs'. As soon as she got back to her feet she saw the creature's flesh regenerate the very tentacle she had severed in what seemed like seconds. Even if it could take every blow she could dish out she knew it was only a matter of time before she would make a mistake and a civilian would be caught in the crossfire. She needed to summon a boom tube and push both the creature and herself away from their current location. She didn't have time to think about where to go, but she knew she needed to be far enough away from any sign of life. On impulse she thought of only one place. In a matter of seconds with the twist of a wrist, Bekka and the creature vanished. The only thing the fleeing civilians would remember is a loud resounding boom and a bright light. [/indent]