[center][quote=@Sep]"Hey, uh... Silver Surfer?! Listen, we don't need to fight. Who's your master? I am sure we can find another way to resolve this without ending anymore life, you can't enjoy this anymore than we do. Help us help you."[/quote][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/rj1hfqD.png[/img][/center] The Silver Surfer watched as the Flash approached him with palms upturned. He understood it to be a gesture of submission on this world. It was quaint. It suggested that one so insignificant as the Flash could ever harm him. The Surfer felt no more or less threatened by the woman with her hands in the air than he did fending off punches from the Kryptonian. With the power cosmic running through his being, there was nothing that could harm him. Least of all an Earthbound metahuman yet to master her powers. The Surfer cast a judgemental gaze upon the Flash. Her voice was calming, a well-practised stillness exuding from each word, and her features, obscured to those with a lesser eye by vibrating her molecules, had a sororal quality meant to put the Surfer at ease. Her efforts were misplaced – and her understanding of the Surfer's role in balancing the cosmic scales was sorely lacking. [color=darkgray][b]"RESOLUTION? YOU SPEAK OF FORCES YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND, HUMAN."[/B][/COLOR] The Surfer's flat, emotionless voice boomed from atop his surfboard. In more worlds than the Surfer could remember, there had been those that fought to the bitter end – raging against the inevitable until their world's were little more than smouldering embers. Some sought to bargain and beg. It always ended the same way. Soon the inhabitants of Earth would find that out for themselves. [color=darkgray][b]"ONLY DEATH AND DESTRUCTION AWAITS YOUR WORLD SHOULD YOU REFUSE TO PARTICIPATE IN MY MASTER'S TEST."[/B][/COLOR] One of the Surfer's hand began to glow with the power cosmic. The power was so volatile that it's throbbing was audible even to the Flash on the ground. At the first sign of the Surfer raising his hand, the Flash broke into a sprint. The Surfer tracked her gait with his eye as he prepared to unfurl the cosmic energy in the speedster's direction. [color=darkgray][b]"AND IT IS MY DUTY TO DELIVER IT."[/B][/COLOR]