Matija saw movement and what seems to be a metallic hand at the corner of her eye, making her immediately glance towards it. Needless to say she found herself feeling less than thrilled at the sight of two idiots that she would rather not see at all. [color=EE82EE]“Hey Matija, if you don't mind me asking, would this do anything for you?”[/color] The gesture took her by surprise and made her sly expression break for a moment. When she had recovered, sh finally responds with a slight nudge towards the other woman.[color=DEB887]“Gotta do more than that to make me [i]feel[/i] thinks, hun,”[/color] and added a small nose boop on Tibulass as the waitress earlier finally settled down their drinks. [color=DEB887] “Say, what’s your little thang about? Is it really that strong or are you just tryin’a say it to impress me?”[/color] With a small wink, she pours herself and Tibulass a shot each. It’s an odd practice of hers to put shot drinks into pitchers but wouldn’t want it any other way. When they both had their drinks at the ready, be it the one that she poured them or the one that Tib ordered earlier, she raised her glass to her companion saying [color=DEB887]“Cheers!”[/color] before easily downing it with a smile. She thought to herself that the rest of the night should be easier with another person distracting her. She just wishes that the two idiots would remain out of sight so they can stay out of her mind or at least be quiet enough on their existence. [hider=Tagged:][@Gardevoiran], [@Rultaos], [@TheEvanCat], [@ArkmageddonCat][/hider] Koren didn’t really pay much attention to the sale as he busied himself eyeing other wares from other stalls. But the given price startled him. 12 was very generous for parts looking as old and under maintained. Sure it was lowered a little bit but the Juz’ found the price uncomfortably high. [color=7B68EE]“11,220 and my companion’s advice,”[/color] Koren interjected. [color=7B68EE]“When did you get these, Sir? This engine series has been out for years,”[/color] the Juz’ said in a hushedly polite but confident tone. [color=7B68EE]“Am I right to assume that you are selling us decade old ship parts? Surely the price had already lowered past its prime. If it’s not to your liking, I think I saw a newer one somewhere…”[/color] [hider=Tagged:][@Crossfire], [@superservo27], [@Silver Carrot][/hider]