Aaaaactually, there's plenty of plot to be had outside the diner -- if, rather, anybody's interested in evacuating with everyone else. ;) I'll reiterate here that there is no wrong decision, and no way to break the plot or wander off in the wrong direction. I'm following whatever you guys do and building scenes around that. So if any of you feel your character would naturally move to a different location, don't feel you'll miss out on anything -- there'll be plenty to do no matter where you are. ;) Edit: also also! Just to clear up any minor confusion -- we're gonna say the window Cheri's talking about is one of those little ones high up that you commonly see in bathrooms, and Cheri had to step up on a chair (that just happened to already be set up under the window to the womens bathroom for reasons we might be disgusted to discover later) to see inside -- thus the window is not an escape route for poor Jill.