[center][color=003471]Dorian Vadderung[/color][/center] Dorian's dreamless sleep had been absolute on account of his physical exhaustion, so much so that he not only slept through the arrival of the remaining other Chosen, but also the initial call to arms by his newfound companions. Vardun however, was more on the ball, and painfully tightened the ring around Dorian's hand to snap him into consciousness. [color=00aeef]"Up you fool! Or you're dead!"[/color] Screaming out in pain from his hand and shock from the roaring Titan within his mind, Dorian shot upright, bewildered, but awake. Snapping his head around he saw his fellow Chosen in various states of combat with various enemies, the neighing of horses, twang of bowstrings, and clash of steel filled the air. By some miracle, he'd not been killed in his sleep. [color=00aeef]"Practically slept through the whole damn battle, the way you were going. Don't just stand there, move! Show me what you learned!"[/color] Thinking fast, and not entirely remembering where he'd dropped his hammer, Dorian felt a surge of raw power flow through his frame, the Titan lending him his strength for the moment. Turning to a nearby tree, withered and stunted but broad enough as it was, Dorian put his arms around its trunk and with a roar and a resounding crackling, lifted the whole tree out of the ground. Adjusting his grip more towards the center with both hands underneath its girth, Dorian hefted the large hunk of wood, making almost a comical sight for his comparative size. He turned his head around, his senses becoming hyper-real. Whatever cavalry had charged them had been broken, but various infantry were still engaged, especially upon the on right flank where most of the remaining infantry were engaging with one of their number, Adrianna? He couldn't even strictly recall if that was her name. Her and the mercenary man with the Brass Prince, looked most in need of assistance. Running up and hefting the tree in personal silence but with an outwardly loud cacophony as the tree's branches snapped or creaked against others around, ran past the mercenary as he rushed to the aid of his newfound comrades. Nearing the duel and seeing a couple more infantry moving to enter the fray and flip the tide back again despite their losses, Dorian adjusted his grip on the makeshift weapon and gripping the tree near the roots, just started flailing it back and forth heavily like a large maul. The two soldiers, taken aback by the sheer sight but regaining their composure, stood back and cautious kept their distance from the swinging flail of thorns and wood. After a couple swings and seeing he was doing nothing besides keeping his enemies at bay, Dorian deftly readjusted his grip on a final swing and hurled the tree length-wise at the two soldiers. Catching the two off-guard by how fast the Northman was able to do this, the tree hit the two soldiers in the chest, throwing them to the ground and sending their weapons flying out of their hands. Their shields and armour even slightly dented by the force. Quickly, Dorian jumped upon the one who had fallen nearest and with his ringed right fist, just started beating into the man's head. The mail the man had been wearing offered little protection as the force of Dorian's empowered blows shattered the soldier's face into a bloody mess after half a dozen strikes. Rising with bloody and scratched hands, his head caught up in the fevered pitch of battle, Dorian looked around for the other fallen soldier, but more importantly the wider state of the field to ensure he himself would not be set upon so easily.