[img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/arrow-fanon/images/c/c0/Barry_Allen_%28FoF%29.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160329114458[/img] [color=ec008c][b]Diane Matthews[/b][/color] Age 15-16 (turns 16 in Sept of her junior year) Height 5’6” Hair: Black Eyes: Blue (very intense) Clothes: Looks like something she got at Goodwill when she first arrives. But has a tendency to go with jeans, or blue jean looking blues like the shirt above. Also will get a brown leather jacket for cooler weather, maybe a jean jacket. Jewelry and Tattoos: None [color=ec008c][b]Her class schedule is:[/b][/color] Advanced Guitar US History - Geography Biology Study Period Lunch English (American Literature) PE **************** [color=ec008c][b]Diane Matthews.[/b][/color] She was the new girl at your school - a transfer student. The day she arrived she was dressed in clothes that looked like something she bought at Goodwill. She was dropped off at the school on her first day by a salvage yard business truck. This was caught on video by some of the more popular girls on campus who decided to have some “fun” by starting threads in various social media forums. They gave her the nickname Junkyard Jane. Diane was a music student for her first period class. She had decided to keep her guitar for school locked up on campus in the music department. Someone broke in and filled the case with trash. Now one would have expected a girl to break down after an incident like that. Not Diane. No, she was made of tougher stuff. She just took the guitar home and returned with another after the weekend. She also showed up dressed in a fresh wardrobe, complete with having pampered herself at a salon. Posters encouraging recycling showed up on campus with herself dressed up as a superhero posing with other superheroines and claiming the name Junkyard Jane. Perhaps the best one was with She Hulk. The caption read “Go Green. Recycle. There was website info at the bottom. So who were you? She was a 10 and you? To her you would probably be invisible. And yet there was a chance. She didn’t seem to be trying to catch the eyes of any guys on campus. Maybe there was a chance for you.