Tifa was tending the bar, it was late. The regulars were passed out drunk, like everynight. The ones who weren't passed out drunk got the usual offer help her drag the regulars to the covered bench they get five percent off their tab. Nobody took her up on the offer like always because they could barely walk much less carry or drag anyone. She kicked everyone out and dragged the regulars to the covered benches outside. Cloud came home pissed, he had to deliver to Vincent again. She had the beer ready the moment he opened the door. She approached him the other day of making their own kid since Marlene was back with her father and Denzel was off attending some private school, the nest was feeling empty and she could hear the clock ticking away. He was finally ready they went upstairs and just as Cloud was about to turn the lights off she noticed something weird in their bedroom. Cloud allowed his frustrations to overtake his senses and punched it. He disappeared right before her eyes. She ran to where he was and found no evidence of her beloved or the weird thing. She drank a beer to call her nerves. She called up everyone she could find. They dropped everything to help but some of them were over a day away the closest couldn't be there until late the next day. Tifa closed the 7th Heaven bar down. She couldn't guarantee the patrons were safe. Her friends did everything they can, they called on friends they made nobody could find tell her what happened to Cloud. After a month they had a funeral for Cloud and everyone moved on and went back to their lives, except Tifa. It's been three months with no incidents but the bar remains closed, Tifa is seldom ever seen, when people do see her she is leaving for or coming back from some crackpot promising her the sun, moon, and stars only delivering disappointment. One day Yuffie came by, the locals told her she came back last night and hadn't left since, they did mention a strange bright light coming from the windows and the door. Inside there was no evidence she ever returned everything was still covered in weeks worth of dust.