[hider=Alaina Sollaran ][center][color=green][h2]ALAINA SOLLARAN [/h2][/color] [img] https://78.media.tumblr.com/e7b8a1f422228974dda1d947e5d467d8/tumblr_inline_o7k7hxs2ux1u9g13g_500.png [/img][/center] [color=green][b]N I C K N A M E:[/b][/color] [indent]None.[/indent] [color=green][b]G E N D E R:[/b][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=green][b]A G E:[/b][/color] [indent]24[/indent] [color=green][b]R A C E:[/b][/color] [indent]Elf[/indent] [color=green][b]C L A S S:[/b][/color] [indent]Mage[/indent] [color=green][b]S P E C I A L I Z A T I O N:[/b][/color] [indent]Knight-Enchanter[/indent] [h3][color=green]DESCRIPTION[/color][/h3] [indent]Alaina stands at 5'9", quite tall even by elven standards. She's thin, tall, and willowy. Her green eyes sparkle brightly like emeralds in the light, and her honey blonde hair cascades down her back almost reaching her butt. [/indent] [color=green][b]E Q U I P M E N T:[/b][/color] [indent][hider=Weapon] [img] https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonage/images/a/aa/Staff_of_Aidahn_Allied.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150108112244[/img][/hider] [/indent] [h3][color=green]PERSONAL[/color][/h3] [color=green][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y:[/b][/color] [indent]Alaina isn't usually one to start a conversation, she's more of an observer. But don't make that make you think she doesn't have a silver tongue, Alaina is quite sarcastic and witty. She's a firm believer in justice, is pretty open-minded and isn't one of those elves that despises humans. What she does despise is evil, bad people that hurt innocents. Alaina can't tolerate a bully, and she is quick to jump in to protect those weaker than herself. Alaina is studious, pensive, compassionate, and very stubborn. She's feisty when she wants to be, and calm and composed when she wants to be. She isn't one for taking life too lightly, but she doesn't believe in being too serious either. She's sort of middle ground on most thugs, believing thy everything is good in moderation. Too much of a good thing and all that. She wouldn't consider herself overtly "elfy", as she did spend quite a bit of her life in the Denerim Alienage before she was sent to the Tower. But she still enjoys learning about her people's culture, studying their history and learning everything she can about magic. Knowledge is power, in her mind. [/indent] [color=green][b]L I K E S:[/b][/color] [indent][list][*]Nature/Forests [*]Reading [*]Dalish History [*]Flowers [*]Cold Weather [*]Traveling [*]Small Animals[/list][/indent] [color=green][b]D I S L I K E S:[/b][/color] [indent][list][*]Sweating [*]Bad Smells [*]Selfishness [*]Bullying [*]Arrogance [*]Flashiness [*]Orlesian Politics[/list][/indent] [color=green][b]H O B B I E S:[/b][/color] [indent][list][*]Reading [*]Being in Nature [*]Traveling [*]Wicked Grace [/list][/indent] [color=green][b]F E A R S:[/b][/color] [indent][list][*]Snakes [*]Failing [*]Being Forgotten[/list][/indent] [color=green][b]B A C K G R O U N D:[/b][/color] [indent]TBA[/indent] [/hider]