[center][img]https://image.ibb.co/nPvADo/Capture_d_cran_2018_01_03_4.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180722/3c3b949310e53fb25935ebea1389aff5.png[/img] E0633C[/center] [center] “A friend may be waiting behind a stranger’s face.” ― Maya Angelou, Letter to My Daughter [/center] [center]_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/center] [color=#6c2dff]‘Sorry, got so caught up in new school nerves I forgot to introduce myself.’ [/color] At the sound of his voice, she turned back to him to find him with a large smile upon his face. He had... very nice lines. As if waking from a dream she looked down at the hand extended to her and then back up to his grinning face. Her brows knitted in a bit of confusion as she looked around a bit to make sure it was her he was still talking to. Was this perhaps a joke? Was he going to take his hand away at the last minute or something? Hadn't he gotten what he needed out of her already? Most people didn't want to keep talking to her if they didn't have to. [color=#6c2dff]‘Jordan Henderson, at your service. And thanks for this map- surprised the admin aren’t handing these out.’[/color] Hesitantly she placed her hand lightly into his and flinched as if he would hit her. When nothing happened she allowed her fingers to continue to slip over his calloused palm and clasp his much larger hand. She wasn't sure why she was so surprised by the warmth. Perhaps it was because she was not used to, did not like being touched by many people. [color=E0633C][b]"I'm Beatrice Endive. Bea for short,"[/b][/color] she offered, the small and shy smile returning to her lips. Glancing at the map, she shrugged and removed her hand back to her lap. Her features returned to their typical stoicism. [color=E0633C][b]"To watch newbies suffer, I'm sure. Or perhaps to force people to make friends. Either way, they probably find it entertaining."[/b][/color] She turned, watching Gomez beginning to unpack things and looking as grumpy as ever. He liked to pick on her sometimes and she was not a fan of him. When they would be assigned a novel to read he would ask what the author meant by some such passage. And Bea would be unable to extrapolate any other data than the door was fucking blue. But apparently, it was a metaphor for sadness or some such. Not that fact the author had stated he was sad. No, the door painted some sort of imagery that she just couldn't comprehend. She thought perhaps he liked to make her look stupid. At least it wasn't as bad as math. She slid down in her chair a bit and sighed. She tilted her head back toward Jordan again as more students filed in. [color=E0633C][b] "You know... You don't have to force yourself to talk to me,"[/b][/color] she said dryly. [color=E0633C][b]"You can just take what you need from me until you find people you like."[/b][/color]