[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/DmjRHYr.png?1[/img] [h3][color=548b54]Dulga Tarata[/color][/h3][/center] As Dulga left the hospital she wandered off towards the train station deep in thought. She had been spending these past few days almost living a normal life beyond her usual lessons at Komei. While vengeance had always been lingering in her mind she honestly thought she'd have more time to train before she'd have to face Kensai. But to hear that he was here now, so soon, really made Dulga afraid. She knew that she wasn't strong enough right now. Even if she could set aside these terrifying rumors of his powerless, she hasn't really developed or improved since she arrived to Komei. She hasn't learned any new techniques nor has she improved her quirk's power or abilities. Frankly she's spent more time learning about how others use their powers over figuring out how to use hers beyond gun play. And it's the same as it's always been; utilize two rifles for different types of range engagement, keep hands free for quick loading, occasionally swap to pistols if combat gets too close. And it was close quarters combat that Dulga knew she was weak at. Despite her massive super strength she knew anyone who was even mildly competent at hand-to-hand self-defense could out maneuver her. She's seen that with Mina. Dulga only knew how to throw a punch and throw a lot of them; nothing but sheer brute strength to win her the day. She thought about maybe picking up some lessons but shook those thoughts aside. [color=548b54]"I don't have time to take martial arts lessons. I'm not going to be good enough to face someone who's has years of experience with only days of training. Instead of trying to focus on what I can't do, I should improve on what I can."[/color] And that was of course guns. Arguably her true quirk aside from her six arms. The great equalizer. Even if you can throw black holes around, fly at relativistic speeds, or withstand being inside a furnace, a bullet to the head puts them down all the same. Dulga just needed a big bullet and calm her nerves. She already knew that even here in Komei, most people can dodge bullets. A fact she's taken for granted hunting beasts and animals. They never expect her so they can't dodge. And most are built for strength so even if they did know where she was, they wouldn't be faster than a bullet. But heroes and villains are different. Guns are a real threat to either and they have to prepare to face them accordingly. Doesn't mean her usual modus operandi is obsolete; she just has to get better. But there aren't any shooting ranges in Hosu. At least no legal ones. The only place she'd be able to shoot her rifles freely would be far away into the mountains where she used to live. While guns were still rare even there, hunters weren't, and hearing the occasional rifle shot is just part of course with the hunting done there. So Dulga brought a train ticket to Hokkido. It would be a long train ride but she could use that time to meditate on her thoughts and make a few phone calls.