Hey. As of writing this check, I am only part of one Roleplay, and said roleplay takes a long time to update. I'm looking for a light roleplay, preferably a 1x1, to hold be over between the 5 to 7 days my other RP takes. CONSEARNING ROMANCE: While romance is not necessary, it'll probably happen in some form. My preference for romance is MxF, and I'd prefer to play the male. (since... I AM a male). A MxF where I play as the female might work, but keep in mind I don't really know how to roleplay a realistic female character. FxF might also be fun, but again, my character probably won't be very realistic in that. I don't really want to do an MxM, but ya might be able to convince me. Adult themes are TOTALLY OFF THE TABLE, since I am not an adult and don't want to get banned. CONSEARNING FANDOM RPS: No fandom. Sorry, I just want a unique plot. What I want from my roleplay partner: [list] [*] He/she must be able to post consistently. Ya don't have to post every day, a day or two missed is fine. But the entire point of this search is to find something to hold be over between posts for my main RP right now. [*] He/she must be at least casual level of play. (IE a few paragraphs, reasonable depth, ETC) I have long posts, probably long enough for advance, but I make a lot of typos. Since I can't expect advance quality from myself, I won't expect it from my partner. I don't really want to do one-liner spam, though. [*] I don't really care what yer age is, but I'd prefer teens or 20s. You know, since there is a good chance of romance here, I'd like for that sort of thing to be in my general age range. [*] I can do either PM or forum posts. I know my profile says I prefer PMs, but at the moment I don't really care either way. [/list] I have a few ideas for an Rp. We don't have to go with one of these, but some ideas nonetheless! Fair warning, a lot of them are romance themed. A lot of them would also require one of us to be a definitive GM. (unlike some 1x1 where it's just kinda post-and-see-what-happens) In no particular order: [list] [*] A Steampunk universe, currently under the working title "Metal Sky", both of our players would be workers and/or soldiers in a giant, airborne steamship. They would fall in love, but would have to deal with the fact they are workers/soldiers on a battleship, and therefore they would sometimes get attacked or whatever. The universe as a whole is currently a blatant rip-off of the "Storm Winds" universe, which I hope on changing do to my desire not do to fandom RPs. Romance doesn't have to be involved but that's my only idea for this universe so far. [*] Apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic universe, where one of us would be playing as a dangerous monster chasing the other. The human player would have to survive the monster's attacks and outsmart it to run away, general horror stuff. [*] Similar to above, but romantic. The monster is actually a perfectly reasonable fellow, and would end up romancing the human character. The monster would probably end up being a semi-humanoid/somewhat-human-like "adorable abomination" type monster, especially if I am the monster. Yes, this idea is maximum cheesy. It would probably also have to involve a lot of "fading to back", depending on the nature of the monster and my refusal to get into 18+ content. [/list] That's all the ideas I have right now. Feel free to suggest your own if you have an idea.