Hello anyone reading this! I go by Fur-Fox on the internet (or ‘Fur’ for short) and I’m an aspiring artist, animator and general storyteller. I like to watch anime and cartoons and also read a lot. I’m pretty much your typical nerd lmao Summary aside, when it comes to role playing I’m pretty much a complete noob. I’ve role played with my friends in the past, but it was always short lived and super casual. I’ve always liked the idea of role playing. I think it’s really cool to be able to create a story with other people together. After some people I knew started getting into role playing, it sorta inspired me to try it out too. So here I am. As for tastes, I don’t really have one per say. I could get behind anything from a sci-fi story to a story about everyday life. The most interesting parts about a story to me has to be the characters and world building. If at least one of those things are executed well, I’ll probably like the story. I’m really looking forward to this whole role paying thing! If you want something new and eager to join your role pay, PM me :D