[hider=Knight of Freytag] [center] [h2][color=00FF7F]Frederica von Freytag[/color][/h2] [img]https://image.ibb.co/k3yjUT/Lily.jpg[/img] [b]19 | Female | 55kg | 162cm N/A | Native | Human[/b] [u][b] Description [/b][/u] A pure but rustic girl seeking both high adventure and friends to protect along the way. [u][b] Personality [/b][/u] There are many categories for the people of this world. Thieves, simple folk, stalwart warriors, scummy mercenaries, and even the odd noble. This list of possible masks goes on truly forever. Countless people masquerade to hide their heart and soul, but this girl doesn't comprehend the concept. Seemingly naive, Frederica is blunt and impulsive to the point of danger. Because of her disassociation from the outside world, even the most mundane thing can be a marvel to her. Because she has had so few genuine bonds in her life so far, they are quite shy in any sort of 'meaningful' relationship. While not particularly slow, she is having a hard time adjusting to an entirely new world. The wilds rather than civilization are more of a home to her. In the end, Frederica is someone closer to nature than people. Because of her determined nature, she tends to tunnel vision a particular situation or objective at the cost of other things. A fundamental part of her nature is an inability to properly comprehend the 'feelings' of others in a average way. Frederica is cool headed in dire moments, as they are intrinsically someone closer to objectivity rather than subjectivity. . . .But this viewpoint is certainly skewed by her perceptions of both the world and everyones place in it. [u][b] Class [/b][/u] A pure bulwark that opposes Evil. Frederica is a genuine Knight who protects the weak from the start up until the end, one way or another. She always tries to stand front and center in all formations and conflicts. Holy Sword in hand, this Knight fights without reserve. Making use of abnormal dexterity and techniques to crush whatever is causing sad faces, Frederica fights for the sake of what she cherishes most. [u][b] Bio [/b][/u] Having been born with blue blood in the Kingdom of Lugnica is always a unique privilege. A nobleman can very easily what would take a commoner years in mere moments. Put simply, being born into nobility is something of a special cheat code. In a world such as this one, it resultingly went without saying. Wealth. Power. Rights. Security. Safety. Education. Inheritance. These were 'absolute guarantees' afforded to just the 'nobility'. Frederica was- and still is one such lucky child. The fourth daughter of the illustrious von Freytag line, wanting for nothing during her childhood was also an expectation. Competition between siblings in the upper crust was almost always guaranteed, but- That never happened. There was something a little bit off about Frederica ever since she was born. The poor thing always seemed to be constantly bedridden, sickly, or injured. In the few moments she was up and about, there was no effort to interact with her siblings or even parents. Likewise, there was a barrier between 'herself' and her family. In the end, she barely ever spoke to even one of her brothers or sisters. It was determined by her Father(the old family head) that she would best serve the families interests as a shrine priestess. While joining an abbey would be a massive lifestyle change, service toward the Dragon was a Holy thing. Going beyond that, she would be in a position to further her families goals within the Church. Perhaps in addition to all of this, the mountain air would give her some sort of vigour she seemed to lack at the moment. The issue of her health settled the matter. Frederica found herself donated(along with a sizable sum of money) to an abbey situated inside an isolated mountain pass. It did vastly improve her health. With just the passing of a season, she became nearly as lively as the other children. For the first time in her life, Frederica was constantly in close proximity with children her age. However, other issues began to surface and develop. As time went on, she began to sneak out almost constantly to explore the surrounding mountains. By chance or divine providence, she happened upon an old hermit living out the last days of his frustrated life. Through hard work and constant persistence, she eventually managed to bond with the poor man over time. Frederica discovered that he was a former warrior, and quickly took a almost unnatural interest in swords and battle. Eventually it became something similar to true friendship, but it was probably closer to a child annoying a man trying to find inner peace and some long sought silence. After a time, the situation in the abbey became intolerable to her. Being just a child, Frederica decided to run away over conforming to a life they did not desire. She ran, and hid away in the mountains above her former life. Despite everything, she somehow survived the wild and evaded the minute search parties. Given time, the old Hermit decided to teach them their old arts. This fiasco resulted in a serious scandal within the abbey, though unfortunately it was later burned down by demon beasts near the starting point of the demi-human war. Frederica trained for nearly a decade before returning to civilization. After a few months of wandering, a servant of her family discovered her near the Capital. Frederica had been assumed dead after the Abbey's burning, so her return was considered something of a blessing. Many of the families most prominent and influential members had been killed in the Demi-Human war, so her return also meant an addition of much needed manpower. The family head used their vast influence to place her within the Knights without any real tests or formal training. As the daughter of a highly prominent family, she is in a certain unit not meant for direct combat. Having only been within the Knights officially for a month, Frederica is currently on semi-leave. They assist the Guards as needed, but otherwise are being 'taught by tutors' to give them a real education. Frederica came to Priestella to enjoy the famed Tigracy River at the recommendation of her sister. [u][b]Magic[/b][/u] Life energy: F- / Flow: F- N/A Casting [u][b]Abstract Magics[/b][/u] [color=00FF7F]Divine Protection of Transcendental Technique[/color] An ability that grants the user an innate ability to exceed 'limits'. It does not grant a specific skill or even an obvious special ability. In Frederica's case, this is limited to martial ability, and specifically swords. It is not something that increases or enhances the users skill. Rather, it gives one the capacity to surpass the limit once it is reached. If it was impossible to reach the peak on their own they would not receive this Divine Protection in the first place. Simply put, this is something that a musician, warrior, artist etc. could receive. However they would all make use of this Blessing in wildly different ways depending on their life focus and capabilities as a person. It is best expressed as the capability to create a 'series(school) of techniques' that reach outcomes and effects 'at the level of magic' with 'just the use of a sword'. The form and effect of such techniques are wholly dependent on how and why they are crafted. In that respect, it is by design flexible in both power and utility. Obviously, it would take qualities such as time, training, inspiration, impetus, analyzation, and experience to actually create a 'technique'. Even if one is created it should usually take some time to perfect it. In her current situation, she has a small number of 'techniques' relating to the basic uses of a sword. Examples of 'possible techniques' include abilities such as cleanly cutting through a leaf floating downstream without disturbing its shape or form. Even a technique specifically designed to crush a 'gate' is possible. Or perhaps a strike intended to devastate the ground itself rather than any specific enemy. Currently, Frederica is not fully aware of this ability. [u][b]Extra [/b][/u] [hider=Themes] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bg0w_SZ1nY8]Character Song[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Guh3kKYVDhk]Uphill War[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VAa1EMRIJM]Decisive Battle[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yff0LH-iGE0]Whimsical Extermination[/url] [/hider] [hider=Keywords] [01] Holy Sword of Fracture, Kaldenet ? ? ? [02] Undiluted Essence ? ? ? [03] Strength of Justice ? ? ? [/hider] [hider=Setting] [01] Phantasmal Aria ? ? ? [02] Mountain King ? ? ? [03] Maiden of Flowers ? ? ? [/hider] [/center] [/hider]