So as we have reached IC post 200 (Holy crap the game is moving), it's probably about the halfway point, maybe in terms of time if not posts, for us to do awards. For those of you who don't know, I shall explain. Essentially, people fill out the categories below. They say who their favorites are, and briefly explain why they picked them. It's not a serious thing and we don't count votes or anything like that. With the way a lot of our characters are all over the place, it's just a way to spread around positive feedback, give folks a shout out, encourage a kind of esprit de corps, and just to let folks know that they are part of the game and appreciated. Kiss each other's ass a bit as it were. [b]Best Character:[/b] [b]Best Character Concept:[/b] [b]Best Character Development:[/b] [b]Best Story:[/b] [b]Best Post:[/b] [b]The John Lees Memorial MVP Award*:[/b] [i]*MVP winner gets a personalized sex scene written by [@Lord Wraith][/i]