[right][color=1462ba][i][h2]Mariette[/h2][/i][/color][color=57a345][h3][i]and Eli[/i][/h3][/color][/right] Mariette simply stood watch as the room was emptied into the handbag portal. When the armour awoke, she employed some basic portal tactics to give her girls the edge against the entity, and it was quickly defeated. Then the other girls returned, delivering tomes and the news Beacon was going to destroy the castle. Puh, really, Beacon? Though, with the assumption Justine was a powerhouse they couldn’t defeat with the available troops, which was a rather logical assumption when she considered it, this was a reasonable tactical manoeuver. It might hamper her ritual. Good. Mariette could get behind this. This did mean Mariette would have been dead if it wasn’t for Nancy. Fancy that. With a sudden time-limit, she went ahead with her plans. A portal opened in the dark mirror, Mariette sensing the power within. My, where had Justine found this one? In any case. On the other side… Oh? They had defeated Justine? Mariette was impressed. Without killing her? She was quite curious how this had occurred. At the same time, she was alarmed. If Justine turned a new leaf and was present when the time came, it would be very troubling. This circumstances had to be inspected, and it was important to find out what they planned to do with their enemy now. Mariette planned to step through, connect to the survivors… Hm. Sue and Scout looked different. Some were missing. In any case. They would surely need a ride home, and Mariette could share that Beacon was destroying the mansion but assure that she had saved the prisoners. This would give her a positive reputation boost, and being part of negotiations she could seek an opportunity to eliminate Justine. Excellent. The plan was in motion. She was about to step out, to stand on a portal in the air above the group, looking forward to seeing Justine’s expression upon seeing her and perhaps have a conclusive bit of banter, when… [color=57a345]‘Wah!’[/color] Eli, who had walked close to the mirror to look through at the scene with her Third Eye to make sure her mistress wasn’t just looking at a piece of art made by the Illusion-specialization or something similar had inadvertently taken Asengav’s mirror close. Tendrils sprouted, Mariette had to stumble a few steps back with wide eyes as the two mirrors joined. And there, for just the slightest moment; [b][i][color=black][center]BLACK[/center][/color][/i][/b] All semblance of plans blew out of Mariette’s mind where she stood, wide-eyed. She knew what she had seen. This had never happened before. And the mansion now before her, besides perfectly matching her taste, was [i]seeping[/i] with Asengav’s presence. In horror, Mariette’s mind immediately went for nightmare scenarios. Had she displeased her patron? Was she in for a harsh lesson? Was she being reassigned to somewhere bad? It didn’t matter. She would follow his commands. She quietly steeled herself, and prepared to face whatever was through this portal- “There! That’s our escape!” Mariette blinked and she looked over towards Nancy, who had said that, and the other girls that seemed like they were agreeing. Wait, hold on. There were bad things through this portal. They should get away. She’d been intending for them to get away. If they left now, Asengav couldn’t get his tendrils on them, and they could live on in peace. Mariette opened her mouth to warn them- A severe pain coursed through her mind, making Mariette bend over and grunt as she placed her hands on her forehead. When the pain finally cleared, Mariette shook somewhat as she got back upright, looking forward towards the beckoning mansion. What was that thought for? Warning them? That’s stupid. They’re pawns, and currently they were resources for Asengav to make use of. Surely, the Horror would be pleased with such an assortment of feeble-minded powerhouses. Asengav called for her. She would answer. [color=1462ba]‘We’ll get out through here! Let’s go!’[/color] Mariette called to the other girls, before jumping through the portal, into Asengav’s grasp once again.