[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Deeper%20Than%20The%20Sands:%20Chapter%20One&name=prinp___.ttf&size=30&style_color=f7976a[/img][hr][@rivaan] [@Morose] [@FantasyChic] [@Nallore] [@Sigil] [@ONL][hr][h3][b][color=f7976a]October 5th, 1924 - 10:15 a.m. Local Time - A New Day[/color][/b][/h3][hr][hr][/center] For the recently branded one must remember that the burning and fever sensation remains. This isn't something going away suddenly. It isn't making it to where one cannot function but it is making it difficult to focus. Best to try to figure this out or move somewhere/speak to someone that can. Common sense would denote the museum is the best place to learn something about odd symbols if one isn't already there. Doesn't look like anyone outside is going to help and just sitting there isn't doing any good. Vera was having a bit of a time right then. She had always been a skittish person, things could easily startle her. Peters death and the events of the last twenty four hours were doing far more than just startling her, they were pairing up with one of her greatest fears: never finding out the truth behind her uncles death, never finding the killers. She had had a break through the day before thanks to Nora and her figuring out various things that Vera had not even thought of, other clues had come out. Yet every time they got one step closer to figuring this mystery out, something else horrible happened, someone else died. Would she have to stop looking at this point for her uncles killer? Would they never face justice? This was not only a devastating feeling within her but it was her greatest fear. That fact had sent her into a state of shock. She had lost her uncle, the man who raised her and taught her after her parents died. Sure she hadn't been in love with Peter but she loved him. He was her friend and would have been a wonderful husband. When he first ~died~ it had hurt, to have him back and then to lose him again? Was everything related to her doomed? [color=f7976a]"No harm ever came from reading a book..."[/color] she muttered to herself, as if trying to convince herself this wasn't her fault. Her eyes drifted to Josephine as the cat with Lauren meowed and hopped down, rushing under the desk and hissing slightly. [color=f7976a]"Did it?"[/color] she seemed to ask Josephine, perhaps wanting reassurance. This was not something George was looking forward to doing, retrieving Peter corpse. The man was melancholic enough when things were going well. Yet he was loyal, perhaps it was his loyalty that contributed to the fact that Peter had died. If he hadn't been willing to help his old friend, if he hadn't felt guilty over certain things, if he didn't have this lingering tickle in the back of his mind that he would be discovered, perhaps Peter would still be alive. Perhaps not but the what ifs of life tended to create the most about of anxiety. Yet despite all this George was a good friend, loyal even past the end. It was why he was still with the Lord Major, why he was being courteous to the man. This man was Peters kin. The man obviously cared for Peter, so it was his duty to be there for him through this. Not out of obligation but out of loyalty. He knew Peter would have done the same for George had he been the one who had died. Looking down shyly George stayed with the Lord Major as he spoke with the clerk. "The morgue clerk, second basement, end of the hall on the left," the man answered and pointed towards the lift.