[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170609/6993f16961e0f0769efda621e785818a.png[/img][hr][@Morose] [@FantasyChic] [@Nallore] [@Sigil] [@Natsu] [@Dragoknighte] [@Mnkee][hr][b][color=998849]October 31st, 1943 Ville au Camp [/color][/b][hr][hr][/center] (End Of Day Peeps - off to Lala Land. I will be posting ~Training Cases~ next update!) While Belladonna had a penchant for holding perfectly still with her body, her eyes were far more dramatic as they quirked and lifted. [color=silver]"Oh my dear I never joke but since you are sure, I will have to look into this further. There is just something...[/color] she said as she lifted her hand. her long fingers fanning out and then pointing a single index finger of alabaster towards the girl. [color=silver]"Off about you. Not mentally, well perhaps as such but not in a normal sense. If there isn't something extra about you then something must be missing..."[/color]Bella rose from her place and stepped over to the young woman, taking her hands in her own cold ones. She looked her over before brushing back a lose strand of hair. [color=silver]"Worry not my child, you are one of mine, I will tend to you,"[/color] she said before giving her the softest chill of a kiss to her forehead and sauntering towards the door. Glancing over her shoulder she laced her fingers together. [color=silver]"I will speak to the Lady of the house, you will be training with me,"[/color] she said before stepping out. It wasn't unheard of for a Paradox to train another Paradox, it was just rare. Very few Paradoxes ever lived long enough to become trainers in their own right. There were some though and Belladonna was the eldest of the Paradoxes. Old enough not to be considered a child in the eyes of the Emendators. At least not age wise, it was doubtful though even in her human life that she had ever been thought of as a child. Belladonna always had this air about her of age and death. The house was quiet now that people were leaving, had left, and were settling in for the evening. The next few weeks would bring many changes for the new arrivals and perhaps some even for the Emendators. There was something amiss out there, more than usual. So many new Paradoxes, so many had died recently. Old family was returning and new family being born. It was a time of change and change ever meant something good. This was the calm before the storm, if right then could be considered calm. It was as calm as one could hope for as the hour struck and the stars froze. No more twinkle, but a shift, a stream of light connecting the paths the stars had traveled. Time was resetting, it was a fresh start, a new day but the same day. It was a chance to start again.