[@Burning Kitty] I'm tentatively interested in this; my only reservation is what the plot is going to be. I'd rather not do a rehash of the plot from the movie or the book, mostly because we'd be facing challenges that we already know the solution to in a story we've already seen the end of, but there's not much else to work with. The Oasis is just a game after all, outside of the Egg Hunt and the threat of corporate take over there isn't any other major threat to face. Maybe there could be a second Egg Hunt? Say a special event organised by the characters of the movie to mark the anniversary of something; anniversary of the Oasis' creation, their taking ownership of the company or just what would have been Ogden Morrow's 100th Birthday or something. There would be a second Egg Hunt with a special prize at the end (untold riches or a unique artifact, maybe even the chance to design your own artifact or area of the Oasis) that our clan would try to win. It would be something relatively high stakes without being too serious at the same time. [quote=@Burning Kitty] Either way I’ll have a list of Artifacts that the players can acquire, some of which our characters will start off with. [/quote] I would very much like to be able to at least suggest our own artifacts. The whole appeal of a Ready Player One RP to me is the mash-up of every pop culture IP ever; obviously there is a focus on 80's stuff but there's plenty of stuff from newer works in both the book and movie. Besides, I already have a pretty good idea of the kind of character I want to build. Not being able to pick my own equipment would make that harder to achieve.