[@Hokum][@CmdrAlfieq] [b]As Ernest (and Ernest Jr)[/b] [i]"Sweet time" huh? Well, you certainly are taking your sweet time getting me answers.[/i] Ernest thought to himself. He's still going to be patient with Fanny May, since she is literally the only person he knows. He doesn't really have any choice but to trust her. The pod that will now forever be known as "Ernest Jr" perked up "Miss May, you don't seem to be concerned about the invasion force. You do realize that, if my sensors are accurate and my calculations correct, that thing is hundreds, possibly thousands, of times larger than I am? And probably far more powerful?" As the two arrive at the Commander's Location, which I can only assume grants the Commander's audience, the pod speaks again. "Greetings, commander. This is a robot that represents the Ernest, you may refer to it as either Ernest or Ernest Jr, although I would prefer you use the former. This is my, um...." Ernest Jr's voice trails off. It then turns to Fanny May. "Miss May? Did we ever decide what your role is?" Just a note, the gift horse thing flew right over Ernest's head. (Not mine, just Ernest's. Since, you know, he has amnesia and all that) [hr] [@Hokum] [b]As Ramrod[/b] "Mraoh, Mraoh?" (Hank, huh?) "Mraoh, mraoh mraoh..." (You seem like a good display, I might be able to hook you up to Rodia...) Ramrod's voice trailed off as Hank showed various things on the display. Ramrod stares in horror at the realization that Hany's Ribbon is here. "MRA-OH MRAOH!" No use translating that either, I'd have to sensor it again. "MRAOH MRAOH MRAOH MRAOH! MRAOH MRAOH-MRAOH-MRAOH!" (THAT'S HANY'S RIBBON! MY PEOPLE ARE IN SO MUCH DANGER!) Ramrod is pretty freaked out at this point. "Mraoh, mraoh mraoh, mraoh!" (Hank, if you have any idea what to do, please tell me!) [hr] [@Hokum][@Metatrooper] [b]As Rodia[/b] "Well... Crap." Rorod stands, looking at the trapped fleet. "How was I supposed to know they could do that?" Lars bursts in. "I wasn't able to contact that station. Turns out, we have a bigger problem! Hany's Ribbon is in this system!" Rorod: "Oh figures. We DO get to have to deal with Quote's first plot idea!" Lars: "Come on man, we're supposed to be acting in character!" Rorod: "Right, sorry. We by chance have any GOOD news?" Lars: "Possibly. I found a spaceship not to far away, seems pretty armed. Maybe we can get it on our side?" Rorod: "Worth a shot. Contact them immediately. I'll see if our soldiers out there are ok." Lars runs off to his office, bursting in again (Rodia has durable doors that can take a lot of bursting), and attempting to communicate with the Tempest. (not that Lars knows their name yet) His Message: [quote] Hello. This is Lars, ambassador of the City State of Rodia. I have contacted you, asking for help in our situation. We're kinda screwed, not being able to deal with this massive Forte Spaceship. If you could help us escape from it, that would be great. In return, we could offer you trade opportunities, and possibly some of our technology. [/quote] While he's doing that, Rorod contacts the fleet. The soldier are fine, if a bit disgruntled that they can't control their ships. A few also mention the message they received, which concerned Rorod. "How is that possible? A message R-Core can't understand? This is really worrying. We're supposed to understand any language!" Surprisingly, none of the R-Core have noticed the Wave Blaster yet, except for Gamma, who is annoyed that whoever is poileting it got his ship caught by the Forte. [hr] [@Hokum] [b]As Siren[/b] "Oh, sure then. Fine. I was hoping NOT to get seen by these idiots, idiots!" Siren says to herself, more annoyed than anything else. "Ok... fine, I can work with this. Just need to change my strategy, that's all. hmm... I wonder if my sing microchip would be able to disrupt these guys at all? I doubt it will work through coms, but it's worth a shot." She continues. [hider=This part contains some spoilers about Siren I don't want anyone but Hokum to know yet.] Siren curls her hair around and plugs it into the Wave Blaster's control, powering boosting its power to make sure she can get a good signal through, hopefully able to override the Forte's security and force communication. [quote] Forte. This is Siren of the Wave Blaster. I have an important message for you consearning the R-Core. [/quote] Then, Siren activates her "sing" microchip, and starts emanating a bizarre, otherworldly tone though the coms. She thinks to herself. [i]With any luck, that will screw with their systems long enough for me and the other ships to escape. If nothing else, it sould at least confuse the heck out of them.[/i] [/hider]