Ruby, Amidamaru Ruby and Amidamaru where sparing in the castle courtyard like they do every morning when suddenly Ruby and Athena received a message from Ahrah calling all the wielders of Elysium to the city of the nimbat it sounded urgent so she lowered her sword "we must leave for the nimbat city immediately" With that she held out her hand and open a portal to Ahrah both Ruby and Amidamaru walk though the portal and in an instant appeared next to Dust Ruby took a look around and looked to the crowd of nimbats and Dust "greetings i assume the situation is dire for you to call all the wielders of Elysium so perhaps we should forgo the usual explanation in favor of using our link to instantly shear the relevant information" Artemis Artemis and Nemesis was patroling the forest around the nimbat city until Artemis sensed Ahrah suddenly appear not to far from the city Artemis and Nemesis quickly flew to the city they arrived there moments before Dust and Ahrah they hovered over the front gate while Dust and Sky spoke and followed Sky as she lead Dust into the city Artemis and Nemesis next to Dust as Nemesiss wings temporarily blocking out the sun Artemis looked to Dust and placed her hand on his shoulder "I'm right here no need to shout" Arthur Arthur was flying over his kingdom like he does most morning to clear his mind and to relax a little before he begins yet another stressful day of dealing with incompetent servants and lowly peasant when he heard Dusts messages he was a little annoyed that someone nobody had the nerve to summon a king but he still let out a small smile he knew there must be some serious trouble to call all those who possess a sword of elysium together and what ever it was should provide some small measure of entertainment he quickly turned around and headed in the direction of the Nimbat city it didn't take long for him to arrive he landed next to Dust and looked him right in the eye "you better have a good reason for calling me here or i will crush you for wasting my time" Leona Leona listened to Kuro and thought for a moment before speaking "my lord forgive me for my interruption but if you wish to learn about magic the best place to start would be at the birthplace of magic the city of the nimbats its possible that we would find someone who knows about this strange new power and how to harness it" Terra had just left Destiny Island he hat to find Xehanort and figure out what and causing the monsters to appear thoughout the different world and discover who was controlling them suddenly a huge shockwave hit him and knocked him off corse he lost control of his Keyblade Glider. The shockwave sent him to the far reaches of space, to a strange new world h landed in a dark forest confused and as to where he was and what caused that’s shockwave but he knew he wouldn’t get those answers just standing around he began to walk though the forest looking for a way out but unknowingly wondering even deeper in to the dark woods