First, let me thank everyone who's said kind words about Spider-Woman. I haven't felt this energized in a game in years, and I'm just glad y'all are enjoying reading it as much as I am writing it. [b]Best Character:[/b] Byrd's Constantine. I always expect to enjoy Byrd's characters, but his Constantine is some of my favorite work from him. [b]Best Character Concept:[/b] Morden Man's Fantastic Four. This just hits all my buttons. Tragic figures escaping a doomed world? Inter-dimensional travel? Men out of time? I just love it all. Plus, I look forward to them coming to terms with their new world, and learning more about the demise of the New Frontier. [b]Best Character Development:[/b] Lord Wraith's Thor. As someone who usually doesn't enjoy Thor as a character, if I'm being honest, it's always nice to see someone make a character I don't enjoy required reading. [b]Best Story:[/b] Simple Unicycle's Punisher. Overall, I'm just into what's been done with the character. [b]Best Post:[/b] [b]The John Lees Memorial MVP Award*:[/b] I'm going to be really lame and say everyone. It's been awesome to see one of the concepts that got me into RPing back, strong, and interesting again. The OU is something I hold dear, as stupid as that sounds, and to have a bunch of players old and new doing awesome work in it takes me back to the good old days of the Hype. Also, I should have a post up tonight. Finishing it up now.