[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Xlid5pm.png[/img][/center] [hr] The aftermath of midterms in Umbra Academy was always hectic and rambunctious; or so [url=https://i.imgur.com/QuS9rYP.jpg]Pucca[/url] had been told. The imp had only attended the prestigious school for villainy for about a year, so what did she know? Still, a year was plenty of time to gain a reputation for mean streaks. Maybe that was why there was a considerable circle around her sitting spot…pfft, as if! A lot of students had their isolated pockets about them and she was no different. That’s just what was expected for Umbra Academy’s best and brightest. [color=hotpink]“But today looks like a total snore fest,”[/color] she sighed, hardly paying attention to the Headmaster barely taller than she was. Legs crossed and gaze unamused, Pucca had more fun looking at the chipping paint on her nails than paying any heed to her sad group of peers. But a field trip was still a field trip and all things considered, it was a great way to get some fresh air. And mess with the puny mortals who were just asking for it too. This brought a grin to Pucca’s lips and she would be among the first to hop on her feet once the Headmaster had finished her speech. [color=hotpink]“Yeah, sure thing teach. I’ll make sure we’ve got loads of fun for the day~”[/color] Skipping down the perilous steps down from the high seats was a daunting task….so Pucca chose to not do that. Instead, she put those wings of hers to use with a dainty float spiraling downwards before landing on solid ground once again. She didn’t care much if the Headmaster heard her words, or even the tone in her words. It was more liable the villainous bitch would portal them all to the heart of a volcano anyway. Or maybe a front row seat into the blast-zone of some far-off nuke being blown off. But thrill and dangers were no less part of the fun. Walking in eager stride, Pucca casually entered the fire-rimmed portal, wondering how best she could shit on people’s lives today. [hr]