[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/fpkngGI.png[/img] [h3][color=Chocolate]~Chieko Okawa~[/color][/h3][/center] Middle of Alley, Suttling's Basin, Priestella [@Crusader Lord][@Ryofu] [hr] The next instant, the darkness was gone just as quickly as it had enveloped her. Lord Talus was gone, not having answered her question it seemed. She supposed that was to be expected, but she just got lost in the moment. The first thing she noticed, was the smell of sewage that had assaulted her nose, causing Chieko to grimace lightly as she turned on the spot, slowly taking in the area she had found herself in. It looked like a medieval town, albeit the slums. In fact, it almost looked like it was out of one of the anime's she watched all the time. She was vaguely aware of the two others that were there with her, but paid them no immediate mind. Her breath quickened as she took a few quick steps away from the others, quickly looking around the slums, not minding at all getting her shoes dirty in the muck or the stares she was getting from what she assumed were the locals. This...this was real?! Could it be!? She hadn't expected anything at all from this encounter. She had thought it was just a weird dream or something! But no, this was definitely real! Wasn't it? Chieko slapped the sides of her face, shaking her head as though trying to wake herself up. Nothing happened. A grin crept across her face as the reality of the situation sank in more and more. Not a dream. This was entirely real, wasn't it? Chieko placed a hand on her forehead, and laughed. [color=Chocolate]"Heh...hahahaha!"[/color] She grinned, twirling and facing the others, not having entirely heard the other girl speak. [color=Chocolate]"Sweet vindication! Delightful satisfaction!"[/color] Oh, this felt so wonderful! Her past self felt entirely vindicated and justified now! [color=Chocolate]"Hahah, of course! All I had to do was be patient!"[/color] She made a motion with her hand, shaking her head as if coming to an understanding of something that should have been obvious. [color=Chocolate]"Obviously the heroine such as myself would only get pulled into the role when she least expects it, haha! Take that you naysayers and fools who laughed!"[/color] She laughed again. She apparently didn't get the 'don't draw attention' memo Aerith had just given her. [color=Chocolate]"Ah-"[/color] Seeming to finally realize that she should probably say something to the others, Chieko turned her attention to them, grinning brightly. [color=Chocolate]"Pervy old man who calls little girls cute, you mean? Yes indeed, I was bought here by him. As rude as he was, I think I can overlook it since he took me away from that boring world. Now we should probably get out of this slum, yes? Staying here is probably going to raise some bad flags for us. Slums are always bad."[/color] She didn't seemed to have heard most of what Aerith said in her excitement. A small part of her realized she was being utterly ridiculous, but it was drowned out by excitement. She'll probably die of embarrassment as soon as someone points it out. In fact she was quickly realizing that and a small bit of color started filling her cheeks, but she said nothing else as she waited for their reply. If worst comes to worse, she could just be quiet as she usually was...wasn't anything she wasn't used too, after all. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/vC3QHdp.png[/img] [h3][color=slategray]Mie Yukima[/color][/h3][/center] The Cham Square, Priestella [hr] The Cham as usual was full of its normal hustle and bustle. Street performers moving about, commoners laughing, gawking, and street merchants peddling their wares. Kids were running about, guards were keeping an eye on things occasionally and a few drunkards were getting tossed out of taverns as well. A normal, average and mildly amusing day. Mie leaned back in her chair, yawning boredly as a few people stopped to observe her wares. The wagon was parked just off the side of the street, taking up a good chunk of the side of the road, but she didn't care. It wasn't blocking anything and she had her permits and everything was [i]perfectly[/i] legal. Yep. A small assortment of goods had been arranged by on the ground surrounding the wagon, ranging from exotic pottery, weapons, upholstery, to smaller pieces like jewelry and miscellaneous odds and ends picked up on her journey. The owner of the wagon in question? A fox Demi-human that seemed to be napping on the job. She was leaning lightly over on a desk, ear twitching lightly as a bird landed on a crate of supplies next to the small desk, curiously gazing at the fox. [color=slategray]"Hrn-"[/color] She grumbled in her sleep, ear twitching again. [color=slategray]"Just...a little more...to the left..."[/color] The bird in question tilted its head at her before looking at a small mug filled with liquid that was sitting there. Curious about it, the bird gave it a quick peck - [color=slategray]"GAH!-"[/color][i]thud[/i] Mie woke, shouting lightly as the alcohol filled mug fell on her head, causing it to fall backwards and send her and it to the ground. [color=slategray]"Gah...urgh..."[/color] Mie sat up, rubbing the side of her head tiredly and shaking her head a lightly. [color=slategray]"last time I stay up all night drinking...ugh..."[/color] Today had been an incredibly slow day. Not that she could really blame anyone. With the bandits about and general atmosphere of Priestella recently, things just hadn't seemed to really be going right. She stood up, fixing the chair up straight and grabbing a small towel to dry her hair with. Might as well close up shop for today then, see if she could find something to alleviate her boredom before she had that meeting to attend too...