[quote=@Master Bruce] [b]Best Character Concept:[/b] [@Simple Unicycle]'s Punisher It's hard to really re-invent a character like Frank Castle without it seeming dumb - the comics have tried everything from making him a literal angel of death, sticking him in the body of a black man, and even killing him off and sewing him back up into Frankenstein. Simple Unicycle's version of Frank is the best full-on reinterpretation I think I've ever seen, recontextualizing a character that often appears as hollow and soulless (by intention) into someone who almost psychotically thrives on the pain he inflicts on others while also making him a bonafide action star in the vein of [i]John Wick[/i], not to mention a John Woo protagonist. Combined with Simp's ability to write some brutal-ass fight sequences (I especially loved the Nightclub one that preluded his conflict with Spider-Woman), and this may be the most enjoyable Punisher I've read in a long while. Kudos, man. [/quote] Bruce-Sempai has noticed me. Excuse me while a squee a little. [sub][sup]*muffled fangirl squeeing in the distance*[/sup][/sub] Thanks a ton, man. It means a lot. E: Honestly I think the funniest thing about all this is that I'm not even a huge fan of the Punisher, I just wanted to try my hand at writing some John Woo shit.