[quote=@Master Bruce] [b]Best Character:[/b] [@HenryJonesJr]'s Spider-Woman I think everyone in the game adores the shit out of Gwen in this game, and I'm not ashamed to admit that her posts are probably the ones I anticipate reading the most. HJJ's not only managed to circumvent any expectations I had of simply transferring the Spider-Gwen concept over to a new universe, he's done the impossible - he's made me give less than an iota of a shit that Peter Parker isn't under the mask. Gwen feels as authentically befitting of the great power/great responsibility mantra as Pete did whenever he first donned the webs, but with a new perspective that gives her soap opera antics a renewed sense of energy and intrigue. We've all seen Parker bemoan his many girl troubles and the health of his elderly aunt, but Gwen has the weight of worrying about a cop father and the tremendous guilt of hiding a tragic secret from her best friend-turned-boyfriend ontop of a gang war sweeping the underbelly of New York. Gwen doesn't always manage to win out, like her male 616 counterpart, but she takes it all in stride and gets back up with more determination than ever. Henry deserves all the credit in the world for creating a new version of this concept that feels like it's best ever, and a version I'd happily buy a comic of every month. [/quote] [img]https://i.imgur.com/DQn1i92.gif[/img]