[@Hokum][@Quote5] The duo are finally reached to a meeting location as directed by the Commander of MASGC. He's seems to be in a partial satisfactory of their upcoming right next to his door through security devices and spoken in a reasonable manner through an internal speaker: [quote=@Commander] So, you have finally reach to the point in time, young fringes of a woman, and a certain trashing, cleaning drone. You may proceed to enter the door and be ready for my questioning that would had ended the existent of MASGC. [/quote] As they're heard his short message (and probably some emotional effects from the Commander's harsh attitude.. maybe), they're now ready to walk into it as once the door to his room is now opened. Strangely enough, everything in that room is very dim and difficult to see but several monitors projected over the Commander's face is probably the only lighting on his room other than a weak brightness in red. Fanny and Ernest Jr. are certainly will having a difficult time to picture the appearances of the Commander as because he is facing away in direction of them, firmly seated, and while focuses on his duty to monitoring the whole MASGC Space Headquarters through several security cams and other devices. As Fanny and Ernest Jr. entered his room, the door immediately close shut, and the Commander can now started his conversation. [@Quote5] "Greetings, commander. This is a robot that represents the Ernest, you may refer to it as either Ernest or Ernest Jr, although I would prefer you use the former. This is my, um..." [quote=@Commander] Greetings Ernest. You never look like a robot to me, or am I mistaken to specifically classified as robots aren't drones, or A.I in general? You know, by the time of the era of space frontier, the classifications of robots became.. very.. very.. bold. [/quote] Surprisingly, the Commander can see their faces without the need to turn his comfy chair around. Was this room also has a security cam in it as to all other sections? Suddenly, a few blocky chairs and a single table have propped out from a ground including with a touchscreen interface for dispensing drinks. [quote=@Commander] Now tell me Fanny and Ernest Jr. , do you have any information about this.. Hany's Ribbon. Also, if we do leave this planet as to make a way out from its path of destruction, then where the hell is the next best planet to settle on after that? My populace have already committed a full sheltering at Iceolia, and thus by evacuating to a full scale emergency liftoff will guarantee to lose several tucks of our machinery and resources behind without any compensations to rebuilt it with a similar number of resources as before! [/quote]